1- Cruise

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"I'll have one coke and a top up on pineapple juice please". The sun beat down onto the deck of the huge cruise liner. In no less than four days, over two thousand people would be arriving at  the Caribbean- including me. I'm Max. An average fourteen year old boy who just won a trip to a holiday resort.In the Caribbean. On a cruise ship. It was only the first day at sea, and I had already been to three restaurants, two arcades, and a pool. Pretty cool, right? Well my foster parents sure didnt think so. Did I mention that I'm an orphan? I never knew my parents, most people look at me and feel sorry for me. But it kind of helped me in life. I know how to look after myself now. As I took a sip of my coke, the last few rays of light sunk beneath the horizon, and a couple of people went inside for the night. Now that I think about it, I probably should have gone inside too, but I'm not exactly bright.

I must have dozed off at some point, because when I woke up it was pitch black, and all I could hear was the howling wind. Unfortunately the lights on that part of the ship must have been broken, because I couldn't see a thing. I stumbled across the deck, desperately trying to find my way back to the safety of the cabin... that's when I tripped. I flew over the railing like a superhero (A terrible one) and plunged into the darkness of the  Atlantic ocean. Or was it the Pacific? I cant really remember- geography isn't my strong point. Sadly, neither is swimming. I thrashed around in the icy water, trying to swim away from the propeller before it ripped me apart like a piece o' toast. (Doesn't really work, does it) But it was no use. I hadn't ever been so long without my pink fluffy binky boo rabbit. Hang on, did I just tell everyone that I own a pink soft toy? That's when everything went black.

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