3- Island life

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Ok. Back to reality. That may not be what actually happened, but my point is, I didn't die. And in my opinion, that's all that matters. I trudge on. (Hang on, I just realised something! Did all of this happen just because of a couple of broken lights?! Man, life sucks.)It was getting dark and I knew I would never make it to the mountain in time. Besides, I needed fresh water or I'd die. Food as well. Its kind of hard to believe that only about nineteen hours ago, I'd been sitting in a deck chair on a cruise liner. I decided to make a shelter... In a tree. Hey! I was not taking any risks on the forest floor!

I dreamt that I was a banana piloting a helicopter. When I woke up, I was (fortunately)not a banana, but the whirr of the helicopter blades did not fade. I look up, and, as I suspected, a helicopter was zooming over the island. I screamed until my throat ached, but they didn't stop. I began to cry. For how long would I be stuck here? My stomach gave a rumble. I would die if I didn't drink or eat soon, and crying wouldn't help. I needed to find a river. 

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