2- It

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I still dont know how I survived. Maybe it was due to the fact that the cruise liner was moving away from me, not towards me. I don't know. But I woke up on an island with a VERY stiff back. Well, as I said earlier, I'm not that smart. But even I figured out that I was going to be stuck here for a while. So I went into the forest. As I walked further in, It got darker and darker and the trees got thicker and thicker. Strangely, under the thick carpet of leaves, there was still sand. Well, at least now I knew how high the tide went. VERY HIGH. I would need to find high ground. Fortunately, there was a mountain not to far away. I could climb it and try and find civilisation.

That's when I saw it. When I say it, I mean a weird furry monkey thing, which looked like it had been fighting a gorilla. I admit it. I was terrified. But you would also be if you met it! It lumbered towards me. I froze. I began to feel sad. I know that I said I'm not very clever, and I'm not good at much, but I'm fine with who I am. Besides, if I died now, then I would never be able to go on the new play station my mum is getting me for Christmas! (she hasn't said anything yet, but I know its going to happen) You know how I said that  I don't have a strong point? I do- my fists! I punched it between the eyes, and it staggered back into the jungle. Victory!

AdriftDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora