Chapter 3: I could never blame you

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Thanks alot for your kind patience! Here is Chapter 3! Enjoy🤗🤗

The next day, after the confession, Asahi and Nishinoya went on their usual school routine, attending classes before club. Their lunch is coming soon and Asahi decided to text Nishinoya.

/Hey Nishinoya, are we having lunch together? If you want to, I can tell my friends I am meeting you./ - Asahi

Nishinoya replied in 5 seconds.

/Hey! Sorry babe I am having lunch with some classmates! They are complaining I havent joined them for a while. Apologies! See you at club babe😘/ -Nishinoya

/No worries, I dont mind. See you at club./ -Asahi

"Babe...HE CALLED ME BABE! AND HE SENT ME THE KISS EMOJI! OH MY GOD" Asahi was flustered. The word "babe" kept on going through in his head. Who could have expected that the loud, blunt and strong libero can become such a sweet and lovable partner to his partner? "He always has a soft side since he always encourages me, but this romantic side of him is cute as well." Asahi thought to himself, slightly blushing. He was so happy as it was the first time Nishinoya called him babe. He felt very loved by that one word. It is definitely a good start of their relationship!

A few hours passed and it was time for club. When Nishinoya entered the hall, Asahi was already there. He turned to look at his boyfriend and smiled at him. Nishinoya smiled back and turned away, flustered. Asahi went up to him. "Hey." Asahi said with a gentle voice. "H...Hey..." Nishinoya said. They were starting to get shy around each other again. Guess they arent used to being in a relationship just yet. " was lessons?" Nishinoya asked Asahi. " was great..." Asahi replied. "Damn it...this is so awkard. I never felt this shy before when talking to Asahi-san..." Nishinoya thought to himself. The both of them looked at their sides and placed their hand behind their head. They didnt even know what to say to each other! "There you lovebirds go again, acting all lovey dovey. Just get a room already HAHAHA" Suga barched in. Nishinoya and Asahi jumped and smiled at Suga. "Hey Suga...we...we arent doing anything..." Asahi replied. "Really? Then why are your faces so red?" He replied. Nishinoya and Asahi blushed even harder. "HAHAHA alright I wont tease you guys anymore. Lets practice!"

Today, Nishinoya was training slightly harder than before. Nobody knew the reason why but they are proud of their libero. "Okay everyone take five!" Daichi instructed. "Yes!" replied the team. Asahi wiped his sweat and drank some water. He noticed Nishinoya was still practicing his block follows. "Hey Nishinoya, you should take a break too." Asahi said. "Its alright! I am good, you go ahead!" Nishinoya replied. Chikara Ennoshita isnt a very active player so he was helping Nishinoya with the balls. He spiked another ball to him. Nishinoya saved this ball but missed the next one, resulting in a hard bang on the floor. Asahi winced as that must have hurt alot. However, the determinded libero got up again. "COME ON CHIKARA! LETS CONTINUE!" He shouted. Asahi was concerned about his boyfriend, but he knew nobody can stop Nishinoya when he is serious in his training.

Practice ended. Daichi asked everyone to cool down and get ready to go home. Asahi and Nishinoya walked together to take their water bottles and drink up. "A-choo! A-choo!" Nishinoya sneezed. "Nishinoya, are you alright?" concerned Asahi asked. "*sniff* yeah I am okay. I dont know why I am feeling so cold..." Nishinoya replied with watery eyes. Asahi finished wiping his sweat away with his towel and he looked at Nishinoya. He immediately knew why he is feeling cold. "Haha, Nishinoya, have you forgotten winter is coming? Adding on, it is night time now, which is really chilly. You didnt wipe your sweat and kept practicing the last few hours." Asahi said, laughing a little. "Oh right! I forgot!" Nishinoya quickly took his towel and wiped off his sweat. He placed the towel on his head and ruffled his hair. He felt a warm hand on his cheek. It was Asahi's hand. "Be careful okay? None of us would want our precious libero to catch a cold, so wipe away your sweat properly." Asahi said in a calm and loving voice. Nishinoya blushed a little, touched by Asahi's concern. "Mhm..thanks" Nishinoya replied. After wiping his sweat all away, he placed the towel around his neck. Asahi bend down and kissed Nishinoya. He was surprised but closed his eyes and returned the kiss by holding the ace's waist. "Ahem." Daichi said. Asahi and Nishinoya pulled away. Daichi had both arms on his sides and the rest of the team was looking at the couple, some laughing and some grinning. "Sorry." Nishinoya said. "Its fine. I was just teasing you two. I am okay with the couples here showing some love to each other." Daichi said with a bright smile. The whole team looked at their captain. Are they sure this is the same strict captain they have? "Daichi, are you sure you are okay with it?" Suga asked him. "Captain, if you are against it, be frank with us. We will stop!" Hinata exclaimed. Kageyama, Tsukishina and Yamaguchi, and Asahi and Nishinoya agreed. Daichi smiled and turned to Suga and gave a peck on his lips. "WOAHHHHHHH!!" the whole team was stunned. "Point proven" Daichi said. Suga blushed really hard and walked with Daichi out of the hall. "" Suga said and Daichi just laughed. "Come on Nishinoya, lets go home." Asahi said to Nishinoya. He held Nishinoya's arm. "Ow!" Nishinoya cried. Asahi pulled away immediately. "Sorry Nishinoya, did I hurt you?" Nishinoya shooked his head "Its fine Asahi-san. You didnt know." Asahi was confused. He held Nishinoya's gently, so why was he in pain? He gently lived up Nishinoya's arm again. He was shocked to see his arm was covered in bruises. "" Asahi looked at Nishinoya from his arm to his face with an extremely worried look. "Haha, yeah, I guess thats what I get for training so hard today. Come on lets go!" Nishinoya took a few steps and suddenly, he felt strong and warm arms wrapped around his shoulder. It stopped him from walking. Asahi was hugging him. "Nishinoya, why did you put yourself through that?" Asahi asked, slightly squeezing the small libero's shoulder out of emotions. Nishinoya was aware the ace was worried about him, and with his tiny hands, he held onto Asahi's arm. "I...I am the team's libero. I have to sharpen my skills in saving the ball. I want to be better than I am now. Plus, if your spike is blocked and I am unable to save the ball, I know you will blame yourself and I dont want that." Nishinoya said with a sincere tone. Asahi was really touched. He said "You work very hard for the team, and I respect you deeply for that. I appreciate what you are doing for me as well, it really means alot. But babe, you have to look after yourself too. It is good you always strive to improve yourself but it does not necessarily mean you should push yourself this hard. You are always diving and throwing yourself onto the floor, trying everything you can to save the ball. Imagine how much pain you had to go through and how much injuries you will end up getting..." Asahi let go of Nishinoya and he turned to face him. Asahi took both of Nishinoya's arm and looked at his arms filled with bruises. In estimation, he had about 7 bruises on each arm. Asahi looked at his legs and notice both legs had about 3 to 4 bruises. Nishinoya noticed Asahi forming a sad and worried expression. He reached out and cupped Asahi's cheeks, and smiled at him. "Its fine Asahi-san. I am okay. You dont have to worry about me, okay? Come on, lets go, the others are waiting." Nishinoya said and lightly kissed Asahi's cheek to comfort him. He took Asahi's hand and pulled him gently, leading the way out of the hall. While they were walking, Asahi couldnt help but stare at the bruises on Nishinoya's arm. It really hurt him to see his boyfriend injured like that. The fact that he is putting himself through this, for him, for the team, hurt even more.

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