Chapter 10: Do you remember that time?

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Asahi POV

"Hey Nishinoya?"
Nishinoya was crashing at my house today. It is the school holidays and he didnt have anything to do, and asked if he could come over, and I agreed.
"Do you remember that time when I accompanied you to the salon because you wanted to bleach the center of your fringe?" Nishinoya looked up, trying to recall his memories. A few seconds later, his eyes lit up and he smiled at me. "Yup! Of course I do! Why did you suddenly think about that?" He chuckled. "Well, you are lying on my lap right now and I cant help but notice the blonde on your hair." (Yeah I am sorry that you are so adorable and hot that I cant keep my eyes off you >////<)

"Okay fair enough." "It really suits you though." I complimented my boyfriend. "Really? Thank you! Ryu said it made me look more like a delinquent." I couldnt help but laugh at that silly comment. "Your wine red hair suits you too! Good thing they had a 1 for 1 promotion that day!" Nishinoya complimented me back, causing me to blush.


"Come on Ryu! Accompany me!" I heard Nishinoya scream loudly. "No way! I am never stepping into a salon! I'll be reminded I am bald!" Tanaka replied aggressively. "That is not the point!" Nishinoya retaliated. "Hey...what's going on here?" I asked my two kouhais out of concern. Nishinoya immediately turned to me to rant, "This bastard, Ryu, refuses to accompany me to the salon! I am going to bleach my hair. Its just accompanying me! Its not like I am asking him to get a haircut...oh dont have hair anyways XD" Nishinoya mischievously commented. "NOYA! AT LEAST I DONT HAVE TO SPEND MONEY ON SO MUCH SHAMPOO! I AM GOING TO BE RICHER THAN YOU!" Tanaka retaliated. "SURE! WE WILL SEE ABOUT THAT!" Nishinoya retaliated too. I noticed that Nishinoya's hair is black, and this will be his first time bleaching his hair, so he must be scared, which is why he wants Ryu to accompany him. I felt bad for him. I dont have any plans this week so...

"Nishinoya, actually, if you want, I can go with you." I offered. Nishinoya's eyes sparkled, "REALLY? YOU WILL?" "Of course." I smiled at him. Gosh, he looks so adorable when he is so happy. We continued to chat to discuss the meetup location and time, then it was settled.

And so, Saturday came. I was waiting for Nishinoya at the train station. "Sorry I am late!" He said apologetically. Wow, he was wearing a sleeveless black hoodie shirt with a skull in the center and ripped jeans. He looks really, really hot...I didnt know he has such good taste in clothes. "Asahi-san? Are you ready to go?" Ah shit...I was lost in thoughts because I was checking him out..."Oh sorry, yeah let's go." I hope he didnt realised I was checking him out...I followed Noya to let him lead me to the hair salon. The hair stylists greeted us. "Hello! I would like to bleach the center of my fringe here!" Noya requested. The hair stylist knodded and turned to look at me. "Do you want to colour your hair as well sir? We are actually having a 1 for 1 promotion." I kept quiet as I was hesitant, I actually like my black hair. "Come on Asahi-san! Give it a try!" Noya slapped my back. it is his nature to be a ball of energy. Well, I guess getting a new look doesnt do any harm. "Sure." I agreed, making Noya happy and smiled brightly. We both sat down, next to each other. I constantly glanced over to look at Nishinoya, not caring about what they were doing to my hair. I chose wine red. I felt cold substances on my scalp, but I was too focused on Noya. I saw the hair stylist hold a brush, dip it into some liquid, and applied to to Nishinoya's hair. "Ow!" Noya cried. I was shocked. "Nishinoya! Are you alright?" I asked. " hurts a little, but its bearable." Noya replied. He squinted his eyes, trying to endure the pain. "Sorry about it, bleaching will hurt a little." The hair stylist regretfully informed him. Mine was done really fast and I just needed to get my hair coloured and washed. "Sorry to keep you waiting Asahi-san..." Noya apologised. "Its fine, I have all the time in the world." Noya was only at his first bleach, which after waiting and washing, I noticed his fringe was a light brown. The hair stylist repeated the process, the next colour that appeared was a much lighter brown. Then the process repeated again, a beautiful dirty blonde appeared this time. looked so beautiful on him. "Okay, its done!" The hair stylist said. I looked at my watch and wow, 3 hours have passed. Nishinoya turned to look at me, and smiled. He looked much hotter now that the center of his hair is a dirty blonde. The colour contrast makes him look very attractive. "You look amazing." I complimented him. He blushed a little and complimented me back, "You too, nice wine red." I smiled at him. And then came our hell, the payment. Nishinoya bleached his hair 3 times, so it was a total of 12 000 yen. Since it was a 1 for 1 promotion, I agreed to pay half of the total cost. (My heart T.T)

We both felt refreshed with our new look. I must admit I really like my new hair colour. We went to eat dinner and chatted. Then, we walked home together. When it was time to part ways, Nishinoya turned to me and smiled at me. "Thanks alot for accompanying me today, Asahi-san." "No worries, Noya. Does your scalp still hurt?" "Nope! I am good now. Well...uh...see you in club?" He asked. God damn it, why are you blushing Nishinoya? You are making me blush too. "Yeah, of course, goodnight noya." I replied, great now I am blushing. "Goodnight!" Nishinoya replied before he walked off. I saw him take out his cell phone and turn on the selfie mode, he was checking his hair and smiling. Then, he vanished from my sight.

I am glad that he is really happy. I love seeing him smile. I realised that so long as he is happy, I am willing to do anything. Is this what you call love?

<End of flashback>

"Yeah, I still remember everything." I told Noya. "How did your friends react to it?" "They said it suits me, makes me look more badass! What about you?" Noya asked. "They said it makes me look more vibrant."

I never regretted going with Noya to colour our hair. In fact, I am happy we went together.

So long as he is happy. 

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