Getting up in the morning

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Ok, I am going to talk about what I believe is one of the worst things about school. To all the people out there who manage to wake up at like 6:00 in the flipping A.M. and still manage to look good and not feel like they are dying I salute you and beg you to teach me your ways. One of the reasons waking up in the morning is so hard is that you have to leave your warm pjs and bed for the cold school clothes and air. Also if you are like me and stay up late drawing, looking at memes, writing/reading fanfiction then your mornings are especially rough. And with me I have an alarm that I hardly ever follow. (Now I am getting better science I have a stricter schedule) My mom says me and my sisters are like a herd of turtles in the morning and she can barely get us out of the door in time so none of us are late. We once were so late because my mom was so tired that she forgot her keys and couldn't get back in the house or start her car. (my dad was away on a fishing trip) Luckily, my dad left a spare set of keys in the garage. Smart thinking dad, we almost had to call my Gran and Grandad to get unlock our door.

Now for the solution...Set and alarm and stick with it. I know what I said but this really works if you wake up earlier and get ready you actually feel more refreshed and of you struggle with the feeling of leaving stuff like I do then 1. you could just pack everything up the night before. Or 2. You can go to bed earlier so you won't get caught off guard by the alarm.

Hope this helped

-Nova out😴

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