chapter 10

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Moan. Grunt. Moan. Groan. 'Urgh. Really guys?' I get pulled out of my not so peaceful slumber by noises that aren't mine. 'But wait, their room is all the way down the hall, it can't be them.' I jump out of bed and open my door, standing in the hall, listening for the noise again. Groan. "No. No. No. Please. No. Stop." I cautiously open the door to the guest room, careful not to make it creak. Bucky. It's just Bucky. But he isn't awake.
"Bucky?" My voice is soft, not very loud. He doesn't shift, only continues whimpering and squirming in his sleep. I move closer to him, resting my hand on his shoulder.
"Bucky? Come on man, wake up. You're scaring me." Bucky shoots up into a sitting position, glaring at me with empty eyes. These aren't the eyes that were smiling earlier. His metal hand reaches out and grabs my throat, pressing me up against the wall. My eyes widen in fear.
"Bucky. You're hurting me. Get off." As if something snapped, he instantly released his grip, setting me gently on the ground. He moves as if he's seen a ghost, his hands covering his mouth. I'm not phased. I move closer to him, wrapping him up in a hug when I get close enough. He mumbles his apologies into my hair but I brush them off.
"You've got nothing to be sorry for Buck. I can't begin to imagine what they did to you and no one is expecting you to just forget it. I understand that it's going to take time and you need to understand that you're not doing this along. You've got me, my dad, Papa, Pete, all of the Avengers. But what were you dreaming about?" We were sat on the bed now, his flesh hand in mine. He squeezed my hand tightly.
"I dreamt that Hydra made me into winter and made me hurt you. You were bleeding Tyler. I killed your family in front of you because Hydra wanted you back." I stood up abruptly. All the pieces were falling together; the metal arm, the cold eyes, the heartlessness.
"It was you." I glare at him. "You're the one that did this to me." Tear stream down my face as I lift my shirt to show him my mark. He's crying too.
"I'm so sorry Tyler. I didn't know what I was doing. It wasn't me. Please forgive me." I say nothing and just throw myself into his arms, sobbing onto his shoulder.
"Hydra needs to die for this." I say softly as he rocks me back and forth.
"Yes, they do Doll. Don't worry. I'll protect you. I promise." That's the last thing I heard before everything went dark.

I wake disorientated a few hours later. 'Well, this isn't my room.' It's only then the heavy thing laying across me is brought to my attention. 'What the fuck? Okay, this is how I'm going to die.' I just about manage to lift my upper body into a slight sitting position to find that it's an arm that is draped across me. Bucky's arm to be exact. Memories from the previous night come rushing back. It was him. He did this. But at the same time, it wasn't him, he had no idea. God, I don't know what to make of this. I skilfully slide out of the bed without waking the ex-assassin, hoping to go to my own room to take a shower and forget the events of last night.
Unfortunately, that doesn't happen. I walked into the kitchen after getting dressed for the day to see Steve standing there with his arms crossed. I mirror his expression.
"What's up with you?" I ask sassily, strutting over to the coffee maker.
"Don't use that tone with me, young lady. Why were you in Bucky's room last night." I spin on my heel to face the blond, my eyes hardened.
"Oh, so that's what you think of me is it? That's what you think of your best friend." Steve looked shocked.
"No, Ty I didn't mean it like that." I cut him off.
"If you must know, your 'best friend' was having a nightmare and woke me up, and I know what it's like going through them alone, so I went to calm him down, I managed to, we talked and we both fell asleep. It's called being a decent human being Steven!" Silence came over both of us and before I could really process it, Steve was pulling me into his arms, gathering me into a massive hug which I was quick to return. Tears well up in my eyes as I rest my head on his shoulder.
"It's just hard not to do something when I know what it feels like. I had to help him because once upon a time there was no one there to help me." Steve shushes me softly as he rocks back and forth, playing with the ends of my hair.
"I know darling. I know. I'm sorry if I made you think I think of you like that. I wasn't insinuating that at all. I was just a little confused." I nod my head at his words and pull back kissing his cheek.
"I'm going to go get dressed and pack for later." Steve agrees.
"Nat said she'll be here around 4. It's 10 now so you've got some time. How about some drawing before you go? Or I noticed the guitar, maybe you can show me what you can do. Some Papa-Angel bonding time. Your dad and Pete have gone out and Bucky will be asleep for a while. So what do you say?" Steve begins to ramble and I can't stop the smile from creeping onto my face.
"Let me grab a shower then I'll get my guitar." Without another word, I head towards my room. I can practically feel his happiness radiating from him.

My new family. (Adopted by Stony) *Re-Edited*Where stories live. Discover now