Chapter 23

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"Baby? Wake up." MJ's breath tickles the side of my neck. I open my eyes slowly, turning my head to face my girlfriend.
"Mornin'" I say, my voice deep and laced with sleep. I sit up and look around. "Where are we?"
"Nat and Clint's place remember?"
"Oh yeah. I'm not even drunk. Come on let's go down before Nat comes up here." I pull my girl out of the insanely comfortable double bed in the guest room. I strip down to my bra and panties, looking for the hoodie that I packed.
"Are you trying to entice me or what?" I smack the brunette with the leggings in my hand.
"Naughty girl." I slip the athletic wear on and find my hoodie, yanking it on over my head,
ruffling my hair. My girlfriend is already dressed and by the door when I'm done. I run
passed her and grab her hand, pulling her down the stairs.
"Tyler! What the hell?"
"I smell Nat's pancakes, must have before Pete eats them all." We bounce into the kitchen to see Clint feeding pancakes to their 2 year old daughter, Lila.
"Good morning." I exclaim, kissing Lila on the head.
"Morning Ty. Sleep well?"
"Yup. You making pancakes?" I ask my aunt, peering over her shoulder. She laughs at me.
"Yes, go wake up your brother and his friend then you can have some."
"There better be coffee on that table when I get back." I demand from half way up the stairs. I knock twice on the second guest rooms door.
"Yo Pete. Nat made pancakes." I've never seen a door open so quick.
"Nat made pancakes?" He asks just to clarify.
"Yes. Yes she did." I skip back down the stairs to find a cup of black coffee sitting in front of my chair. I slide into the seat between Clint and MJ and sip at the hot beverage.
"Pete and Ned are on their way." Just as I finish my sentence, I heard them coming down
the stairs.
"Did somebody say pancakes?" He asks. "Morning мама паук." He kisses Nat on the cheek before taking a seat on the other side of MJ.
"Morning ребенок паук. One or two pancakes guys?"
"Two please." Everyone says causing Natasha to chuckle.
"Two pancakes all around. Then school. You guys are going to be late else." All 4 of us groan with distain. We're all in senior year now with only a few months before finals. It's pointless anyway, when you work with Tony Stark himself, the level that they give us to work at is child's play. But one look at the assassin's face had us all shutting up.

"Thanks for the lift Clint." I say as we climb out of the car. "See you later." The archer speeds off leaving us in the dust literally seconds before the bell rings. The day drags for hours, with lunch seeming like 5 minutes. We all meet up after school at my locker as usual. Ned has to go home today but luckily for me, MJ can stay the rest of the night.
"Ty, Nat says that they're at the hospital so looks like we're walking back." Pete tells me.
"Why are they at the hospital?" I ask, growing concerned.
"Lila shoved something up her nose. Nothing out of the ordinary. She's fine." We start the hour trek to our Aunt's house but it's not long before a very familiar car pulls over next to us.
"This seems like an excellent time to show up."
"Uncle Loki!" The God of mischief steps out of the car and opens his arms, inviting me and my brother in for a hug. We jump into his embrace, holding on for dear life.
"I've missed you so much. Dad was bummed you and Thor couldn't make it to the wedding."
"Ah yes well, my brother has been quite stupid as of late. I'm actually here to apologise to the newlyweds. Where are they?" He asks, looking around.
"They're on their honeymoon right now but they should be home at some point tonight. We're staying at Natasha and Clint's I'm sure you'll be more than welcome to join us for dinner, you did come all this way after all." The god smiles down at me.
"Of course Tyler, I didn't just come all this way to see your parents, I wanted to see my nephew and nibling as well. It has been too long. Please hop in, I'll give you a lift." The three of us get into the car, Peter in the passenger seat with me and MJ in the back, our interlocked hands resting on the middle seat. Loki notices and raises an eyebrow at me through the rear view mirror. I feel my cheeks heat up as the blood runs to my face.

We pull into the driveway and the first thing we notice is the car sitting just outside of the door. I climb out of the vehicle and grab my bag from off of the floor, slinging the strap over my shoulder, advancing towards the door. I push it open, hearing the voices that I knew too well carry through from the kitchen.
"Nat? Clint? You guys back?"
"In here Ty." I walk through to the kitchen, Peter hot on my tail, MJ and Loki trailing behind. I just know that he's grilling my girl for the details of our relationship. Gossip Queen. As soon as I enter the kitchen area, something latches onto my legs.
"Oh no! The wild Lila has got me. No!!" I scream as I pick up the small girl, throwing her in the air gently causing her to let out an adorable squeal.
"You been causing Mommy and Daddy trouble huh?" I ask as I shift the child so she's sitting comfortably on my hip whilst also putting my bag on the floor. She giggles in response. I place her on the floor before plopping down on one of the bar stools.
"Oh yeah, Loki's here." I tell my Aunt.
"I see that Tyler, you okay honey?" Everything does seem a little spinney.
"Yeah. Yes. I'm fine. Fine. Actually, I think I'm going to go lie down for a moment." My head
is killing me. A tingling feeling spreads through my body, starting from the back of my neck. I begin twitching, my powers glitching out.
"Help." Is all I'm able to say before my body moves at its own will. I crash land in a place I've never seen before. A dark dingy apartment that looks unlived in. I move to take a step forward but I'm moving again before my foot touches the ground. I'm in my room in Nat's house, MJ already standing there. She grabs my hand and leads me over to the bed, pushing me to lie down and places a wet cloth on my forehead. Lying down next to me and hugging me from behind.
"You okay now?"
"I'm more than okay." I reply, snuggling against her, allowing sleep to wash over me.

My new family. (Adopted by Stony) *Re-Edited*Where stories live. Discover now