Chapter 18

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Time skip to the next day because I'm lazy and we all know how school goes.

I sit in my biology lesson, watching the seconds tick down. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. RING!!!!!! There's a rush as students scramble to grab their bags and rush out of the door. I'm one of them. MJ waits for me at the door of the classroom as we begin to walk to our lockers. Peter, Wade and Ned are already there, ready to leave. I open my locker and pull out my homework and books that I'll need, slamming it shut before turning to my friends.
"What time will you be back tonight?" Pete asks. I shrug. Wade kisses me on the cheek as I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.
I'm outside. Black Audi. J -Lilly-Anne. I sigh and look at my friends.
"Sorry guys, my social worker is waiting for me." They look at me sadly but I just flash them a smile, just like my dad does. I hug each of them in turn.
"Stay safe Loser." MJ whispers in my ear. I chuckle.
"I will dipshit." We pull apart and I'm instantly tackled by Wade.
"I'm going to miss you so much Baby."
"I'm going for the night Wade."
"But still." I laugh at his childlike pout. I lean up and press a kiss to his lips.
"I love you." He says it back and passes me onto my brother. We just stand there looking at each other for a minute before grasping each other in a massive hug.
"Text me when you get there. Call me if you need to. We'll come and get you if you want."
"I'll be fine Pete. I promise."
"Don't make promises you can't keep Ty." I sigh and kiss his cheek.
"I'll see you when I get back. Bye guys."
"Bye Tyler." Is all I heard as I walked away.

I found the car pretty easily, considering she's not changed it since she became my social worker 10 years ago. I don't bother looking both ways as I run across the road, slinging the passenger side door open and sliding in. The brunette rolls her eyes at me.
"Hey Tyler. Good to see you being as cautious as ever." I flash her my million dollar smile as she calls it.
"You know me Lils. What's the point of living if you don't do it on the edge?" She yet again rolls her eyes at my comment but doesn't say anything. Wise woman.
"Buckle up. You'll get me shot else." I salute her as I pull the seat belt over my body, clicking it into place. The car is filled with silence, Lily-Anne's eyes trained on the road and mine out of the window.
"Do you like this arrangement?" I ask suddenly. I can see she's pretty taken aback by my question. I never ask her opinion. Like ever. She sighs, moving skilfully around a round a bout.
"I'm not totally fond of it but it could do you good." Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.
"So you don't like it but you can't say anything negative so you're just making up some
bullshit excuse to make it sound wonderful?"
"Tyler! Watch your language!" I groan.
"You sound like my Papa now." She smirks at my response.
"So, you want to tell me about them?" it takes me a moment to realise what she's talking about.
"Yeah why not?" I look back out of the window, trying to think of a starting point.
"They fixed me. I was the broken toy sitting on the top shelf in the play room that the kids didn't want to play with. I was the defective typewriter that was only good for show. The girl that was never given a second chance. But they didn't see me like that. You heard what they said in court. I was the girl that was being chocked to death and didn't care. I was accepting my fate. Ever since they took us home, I've not felt like that. I'm not the second choice anymore; I'm the first. I'm not just some random kid with no family. I have parents, a brother, aunts and uncles galore. I have a family. I belong to someone. And you have no idea how long I've waited to be a part of something. Something bigger than a club or a fandom. I've dreamt of having a family since I was young. I always thought it would be my mom, a dad and I, maybe a few younger siblings but never in a million years did I imagine this. Yet I wouldn't trade them for the world." I didn't even realise we'd stopped moving. The car was parked outside of a two story house, with a white and blue front and a porch running the whole way around.
"Tyler, that was beautiful. Have you told them that?" I hold back a smile.
"Not yet. I'm going to tell them on our adopt-aiversary. That's what they're calling the day they adopted us. It'll be a year in a few months and they want us to make speeches so." She just stares at me for a moment before snapping out of it.
"Well, we better go in. are you ready?"
"Nope!" Is my answer but I'm unbuckling my seat belt anyway. I get out of the car a lot
slower than I got in. Lily-Anne comes around to my side and puts a comforting hand on my
shoulder as she leads me towards the door. She raises her knuckles and raps them against the wood twice. 'Here goes nothing.'

My new family. (Adopted by Stony) *Re-Edited*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz