Chpater 1

56 1 3

"So. Why are we here again?" Dean asked.

The Winchesters and Castiel were on the road once again. Dean was driving, Sam was in the passenger seat, and Castiel was in the back. Same wanted to drive but Dean beat him to it, so, he relented. After all, it WAS Dean's car. Team Free Will was driving around the town of Middleburg, located in the state of Colorado. Asia's Heat Of The Moment was playing in the radio, much to Sam's dismay and annoyance.

"I told you. There's something in this town." Castiel said. "But what is it?" Sam asked. "Don't know." Castiel said. Dean turned to the left. "All I know is that three teenagers are involved in this grand thing." The angel said. "Okay. What about them?" Sam asked. "They are two boys and one girl." "Age?" Dean asked. "All of them looked to be either 13 or 14 years old." Castiel said. "Names?" Sam asked. "Yeah about that, I don't know. I only know what they look like." He said as Dean made a turn to the right. "Okay. What do they look like?" Dean asked, looking at Castiel for a second. "Well, in Of them is-" "DEAN!" Sam yelled.

The older Winchester looked back on the road. His eyes widened as he saw that a redhead teen boy was in the street. "Shit!" He yelled, slamming on the breaks. The teen, who looked to be fourteen and was running, noticed the car. But he didn't stop. Once it looked like the car was about to hit the boy, the teen jumped up, did a little bear roll on the hood of the impala, hopped off, and continued running. They all heard the teen yell out: "Sorry!" "Woah!" The three men said in surprise. "Awesome!" Dean said. "Incredible." Sam said. "Amazing. Also, that was one of the kids." Castiel said. "Okay then. We'll follow him." Dean said as he began driving again.

Team Free Will began following the redhead teen. They noticed two other teens eventually join him. One was an Asian girl and the other was a brunette portly boy. "Those are the other two kids." Castiel said. "Perfect." Dean said. Sam rolled down the window to hear them. "Penn! You could've been killed!" The girl said. "Yeah, but I'm still alive, aren't I?" The redhead , Penn, asked. "Gee. Who does that remind me of?" Sam asked, smirking at Dean. Castiel just chuckled while Dean grim faced. "But still! That car nearly hit you!" The girl said. "Relax, Sashi. I am still alive." Penn said. "Classic Penn Zero." The brunette said. "Classic Boone." Penn said. "I'm surprised they haven't noticed us." Castiel said.

"Hey guys! There's an impala following us!" Boone said, looking back. The other two looked back as well as their eyes widened. "Never Mind. Dean, don't lose them." The angel said. The older Winchester nodded and pressed on the accelerator, causing the car to go a bit faster. The three teens ran faster, but they were no match for Dean's impala. Team Free Will saw the three teens rush into a theater called the Odyssey. Dean parked the car and the three got out of the car and ran inside as well. Castiel pushes to door open to see the three teens rush over to some type of warp pad.

"Hey!" Sam said, causing the trio to turn around. "Look. We're not here to hurt anyone." Castiel said. "Hopefully." Dean added. Sam glared at him. "Anyways. We just want to know what the hell is going on in this town, what is this, and why are you three involved in it. That's all." Sam said. "Wait. How did you knew we're involved in this?" Sashi asked, narrowing her eyes at the men. "I did." Castiel said. "Cass. You're gonna have to show them." Dean said. "Okay." He said. Castiel closed his eyes and his wing came out. "I am Castiel. And I'm an angel of the Lord." He said. The trio looked a him in shock. "Wait. Angels are real?" Penn asked. Team Free Will nodded and Castiel's wings disappeared.

"Anyways, Yeah. Castiel here's an angel. I'm Dean Winchester, and this is my younger brother, Sam." He said, motioning to him and his brother. "You see kids, we hunt the supernatural. Ghost, vampires, werewolves, witches, etc. It's the family business for us. Castiel here told us that there was something odd in this town, and said that you three were involved." Sam explained. "Wait. So all those monsters from horror films. They're real?" Boone asked. "That would be correct, Boone." Castiel said. "What? How do you know our names?" Sashi asked, her hands turning to fists.

"Woah! Easy kid. We over heard you all say your names when we followed you." Sam said. "But a formal introduction would be nice." Castiel said. "Okay then. I'm Penn Zero. And these are Sashi Kobayashi, and Boone Wiseman." Penn said. "Well, nice meeting you three." Castiel said. "Anyways, what exactly is this?" Dean asked, looking around the theater. "Okay. So the three of us travel around the multiverse. We protect it and keep it in balance. But it's a part time job, of course." Penn explained. "So, you three are heroes?" Dean asked. "And you work part time?" Sam asked. Penn nodded. "So. Part time heroes?" The angel asked. "Yep." Sashi said.

"So. Will you keep this secret?" A voice asked. Then, a Slavic woman popped out, startling Team Free Will. "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare hunters and angel." She said. "No problem. Who are you?" Dean asked. "I am Phillis. The boss." She said. "Okay then." Sam said. "You know, we have heard weirder stuff than this." Castiel said. "Yeah. We can tell." Boone said. "You haven't answered question yet." Phillis said. "Depends. You three won't go blabbering around that the Supernatural exists?" Dean asked. The trio shocked their head no. "Okay then. Then you can trust us with your secret." Castiel said.

"So, just to be clear, nothing bad has happened at all right?" Sam asked. "Nope. It's been normal lately. Well, as normal you can imagine." Penn said. "Good. So we came here for nothing?" Dean asked. "Come on Dean. I wouldn't say that." Castiel said. "Yeah. I think that coming here was a good idea." Sam said. "I guess you two are right." The older Winchester said. He then looked at Penn. "By the way. Sorry for nearly running you over." He said. Penn chuckled. "No problem, I've been through worse." The redhead said. "Good. Nice bear roll back there." Dean said. "Thanks." Penn said, smiling a bit.

That's when Sam noticed something odd. "Hey. Why is that screen glowing?" The younger Winchester asked. Every turned around to see that the screen was glowing. "I don't know." Penn said. Phillis quickly took to the stairs and started to press random buttons. "Um. Guys. Why those that look really familiar?" Castiel asked, looking at the world in front of them. "Oh my god it's-" Sam was interrupted by Dean. "Scooby Doo." He said. "What?!" Penn, Sashi and Boone asked. "It's like as if they're trying to break in here." Phillis said.

"Hey! Isn't that the Mystery Machine?" Boone asked, pointing at the screen. The iconic cartoon van was coming closer to the screen. "It is." Sashi said. "Wait a second." Penn muttered, squinting his eyes. He noticed the van getting closer and closer. And with the screen glowing, Penn had a feeling that it was coming to them. "Shit." He muttered. "What?" Castiel said. The van was no extremely close to the screen. Penn's eyes widened. "EVERYONE OUT OF THE RUNWAY!!!" He yelled, pushing Sashi and himself out of the way. Team Free Will And Boone did the same as they all heard an explosion, followed by tires scratching the floor, and then, there was a crash noise.

Penn, breathing heavily, looked down at Sashi, who looked to be breathing heavily as well. "You okay?" Penn asked in concern. Sashi nodded. "Thank. I owe you one." She said. "No. You don't." He said, helping her up to her feet and giving a soft smile. Sashi smiled back. "Everyone Okay?" Dean asked. There was a murmur Of 'yes' around the room. Penn and Sashi turned to look at the damage. Sashi gasped, and buried her face onto Penn's shoulder. Penn himself was horrified and wrapped his arms around her.

Boone looked in shock, while Team Free Will looked in horror. The van looked completely wrecked. Dean, Sam, and Castiel rushed over to the van. They opened the van open and began to pull out the Scooby gang out. But, wow. They looked terrible. Fred was bleeding and had bruises. Daphne was the same. Velma's glasses were broken and had bruises and some blood on her body. Shaggy looked the least gruesome with only a few bruises, but was also bleeding in the leg. And Scooby was found on top of Shaggy, indicating that he protected his owner, and had bruises on his body, but was also bleeding.

Sashi pulled back to see the damage, but Penn stopped her and guided her head back against his shoulder. "Sashi. You don't wanna look." He said, softly. He felt the tiniest of nods from her. Boone walked over to them, still looking shocked. "We need a doctor!" Dean yelled. "Follow me!" Phillis said, motioning them to follow her. Dean grabbed Daphne and Fred, Sam grabbed Shaggy and Velma, and Castiel grabbed Scooby and followed Phillis. "Come on guys." Penn said. Sashi pulled back and she and Boone nodded. With an arm still around Sashi, Penn lead his team t back to the others.

No one expected this to happen. 

No one.

Author Note: Wow! Talk about ending with a bang! Will the Scooby Doo gang make it through? And why are they here? I hope you enjoyed this!! See you all later!!


One Crazy Mission (PZPTH/ SPN/ SD Xover)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin