Chapter 3

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"You dated my mom?!" Penn asked in shock.

It was a new day. The Trio came back from another boring day of school and went to the Odyssey. The Scooby gang were back to the normal selves and could walk around again. Last night, the Winchesters and Castiel, along with Phillis, explained everything to them. Needless to say, you could imagine how much in shock Velma was, I mean, she nearly fainted. Anyways, back to today, Dean decided to tell everyone about the revelation that he, Sam, Castiel, Phillis and Scooby found.

"Yes. I dated your mom in high school." Dean said. Penn just started at the man with wide eyes. Sam and Castiel just looked at Dean, Sashi and Boone looked at Penn, and the Scooby gang have each other a look. "Well... this is awkward." Shaggy said. "Yeah. Dean might have been a father." Fred said. "And Sam might have been an Uncle." Scooby said. The Winchesters and Penn looked at each other. "Wow." Boone said. "Goodness." Penn muttered. "Agreed. No offense, but I can't see you as my child." Dean said. "None taken. I agree, I don't really see you as the fatherly type. No offense." The redhead said. "None taken." Dean said. "Okay. Correct me if I am wrong: you're parents, who your mom dated Dean, are stuck in a world where everything can kill you. So, you live with your aunt and uncle until you can find a way to get your parents back? Did I get that right?" Velma asked. Penn nodded. "Wow." Daphne said. "We know." Sashi said.

"You know, this most dangerous world imaginable reminds me a lot of hell." Castiel said. "I'm fact, I wonder if..." the angel said. "Now Cass! I'm sure that those two are not connected." Sam said, noticing Penn's disturbed face. "Just saying." The angel said. "Man I really wish mom and dad were here." Penn said. "Calling mom and dad." The MUHU said. "Wait! No, no, no!" Penn said, but to late. "Hey sweetie. How ya doing?" Penn's mom, Vonnie asked. "Oh. Nothing. Although, there's someone who wants to see you." Penn said, pointing at the older Winchester. The woman and her husband gasped.

"Dean?" Vonnie asked. Dean chuckled awkwardly. "Hey." He said. "What are doing here?" She asked. "Supernatural case. Not to mention..." He pointed at the Scooby gang. "Oh boy." Brock said. "How did that even happen?" "We assume it's ghosts." Dean said. "Anyways, you two remember my younger brother Sam, right?" Dean asked. "Oh yeah! Man, we haven't seen you since you were 12." Brock said. "Yeah. Nice seeming you again." Sam said, awkwardly waving. "Anyways. Penn, is it okay if we talk to the Winchesters for a second?" Vonnie asked. "Sure. I guess." Penn said, handing the MUHU over to the Winchesters. He and the others walked out, leaving Sam, Dean, and Castiel there in the room.

"Okay... first of all, this is Castiel. Angel of the Lord." Dean said, pointing at the angel. Castiel have them a small wave. "Second of all... there something that we should tell you." He said. "Wait. Before you do. We need to ask you something." Vonnie said. "What would that be?" Sam asked. "This is going to sound insane, but... we need you to teach Penn how to hunt." Brock said, looking at his wife. "Really? What a coincidence. We were going to tell you the same thing." Castiel said. "Okay. Why though?" Sam asked. "Well, with all the supernatural stuff going on around here, maybe our son could use some pointers here and there. Plus, those tricks of yours can help with a mission." Vonnie said. Sam, Dean and Castiel looked at each other. "I suppose we could make time." The angel said. "Yeah. Guess you're right." Sam said. "Okay, we'll do it." Dean said.

"Thanks guys! You are really doing us a huge favor." Vonnie said. "No problem." Castiel said. "You know, even though things didn't work between us, I'm glad that you and Brock got together." Dean said. "Thank you, Dean." Vonnie said. "And don't worry. The rest of the angels and I will see if we can find a way to bring you back to Earth." Castiel informed. "Thanks." Brock said. "See you later, guys." Vonnie said, before the MUHU closed. "See you later, red." Dean said quietly. Sam patted his brother in the back and gave him a sympathetic smile. Dean smiled back.

Team Free Will went back to the others. "Everything Okay?" Velma asks. "Yeah. Everything's just fine, Velm." Dean said. "Okay, Good. Now, time for mission." Phillis said, pushing the Trio to the warp-pad. The others chuckled. "Like, you gonna be okay dude?" Shaggy asked, placing his hand on Dean's shoulder. "Yeah. I'll be fine, Norville." Dean said in a taunting voice. The others, including Shaggy, laughed. The Trio zapped into the world of the day, which was some fairytale world. And for humor, Penn and Boone were turned into girls, and Sashi was a boy. When they zapped back, Team Free Will And the Scooby gang tried their hardest not to laugh, but, they failed.

"Hahaha. Very funny." Penn said, rolling his eyes. "What? It was hilarious." Dean pointed out. "Okay. I'll give you that." The redhead said. "Okay. Good job, time to go. Bye." Phillis said, pushing the Trio out the door. "You kids need a ride?" Dean asked. They nodded. "Okay then. Sam, Castiel. Hold the fort while I'm gone." The older Winchester said. "Okay then." Castiel said. "See you guys later!" Daphne said, waving at the trio. "See ya." Sashi said. Penn went on the passenger seat, while Sashi and Boone sat on the back. After dropping off Boone and Sashi, Dean drove off to Penn's house.

"Say kid. I need to tell you something." Dean said. "What?" Penn asked. "Your parents gave me, Sam and Castiel a mission." "And that would be???" "We teach you to hunt." Penn's eyes widened. "As in, to hunt monsters? Why?" "They thought that you need some pointers there and there. Who knows, it could be helpful for a mission." Penn, who was looking out the window, nodded. "Not to mention, there might be a case where Sam, Cass and I might not be available, so you can probably do something about it." Penn looked at Dean. "Me? Do a case? By myself?" "In the future. But hey, better to be safe than sorry." The man said.

Penn looked back out the window again. So far, the most relevant thing that he went up against that could be called supernatural would have to be vampires. And that was a bit of the challenge. The redhead never knew that vampires were okay to go in the sunlight, prior on popular belief and that water was perfectly fine for them. Of course, Penn and his team eventually figured that holy water was the trick, Same thing with garlic and the classic stake to the heart. But other than vampires, he had never dealt with anything else related to that category. Perhaps maybe Dean was onto something. Maybe he was right. The car then stopped in from Of Penn's house. "So. What do you say?" Dean asked. The redhead nodded and held out his hand. "I'm in." He said. Dean shook his head.

"Good. Cause there's no turning back now."

Author Note: Let Penn's training commence!!! * blasts Eye of the Tiger* We got:

Dean Winchester- The older Winchester brother, but the more goofy one. He is the strength of the team, having done this hunting job for more than a decade.

Sam Winchester- The younger Winchester brother, but the more serious one. He is the brains of the team, having been the only one to go to college.

Castiel- The Winchester's angel companion. He is like Drax, with all metaphors going through his head and still trying to get used to earth culture. He is the supernatural expert of the team.

And now...

Penn Zero- The could have been son of Dean Winchester. He's the youngest and is a part time hero. He is the new guy of the team, trying to understand everything and wants to make his parents proud and to bring them back home.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!! Se you all in the next chapter!!


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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2019 ⏰

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