Chapter 2 : Hybrid Brawl

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Third person POV -

Caroline watched in shock and horror as Tyler didn't seem to be stopping his advancemaking Klaus all the more aggressive in front of her. A protective Klaus trying to keep an aggressive Tyler away from a terrified Caroline, Klaus kept his glared on Tyler as he began moved backwards as if pushing Caroline to go inside. Klaus thought fast and knocked Caroline down and out of the way as Tyler lunge towards him trying to sink his teeth into Klaus neck but luckily Klaus was way bigger, stronger and faster as he quickly dodged the young wolf and ran off to the side of the yard to distract him from Caroline who stood frozen in fear as Tyler began stalking towards her.

Klaus growled and rushed over before knocking Tyler to the ground and keeping him there. A loud snarl ripped through Klaus as he used his size and strength to keep Tyler to the ground, but the young wolf was too riled up to listen to his alpha. Tyler pushed upwards knocking Klaus off him slightly.

Caroline jumped into action as she finally realized/processed what was going on. She rushed into her house and grabbed a chain soaked in wolf's bane, she had feared Tyler would do something stupid and hurt her so she needed to protect herself. She flashed back to her backyard, Klaus saw the chains and made a plan to give her an opening, Tyler used a distraction to sink his teeth deep into Klaus' neck. Klaus howled in pain as he quickly got the young wolf off him. Klaus' neck was slightly ripped open but Tyler looked fine, then it dawned on Caroline, Klaus knew that hurting Tyler would hurt Caroline. Tyler lunged towards Klaus again, this time managing to pin him for slightly longer than last time but Klaus was stronger and easily flipped Tyler onto his back.

'Don't get to big for your boots pup, I'm the alpha' Klaus warned using telepathyonce more.

Tyler growled and snapped as he struggled against Klaus but he knew it was useless, there was no way he would be able to beat him. Just as he stopped struggling Klaus signaled to Caroline and she wasted no time as she quickly wrapped a chain around Tyler's neck and yanked him to his feet. Caroline pulled Tyler away from Klaus and waited for Tyler to give into the pain and shift back so they could deal with him and Klaus still in wolf form on the defense continulessly growling, making Tyler finally submit, and shift into his human form with only pants on.

"what the hell do you think you are doing Tyler?!!?!" Caroline yelled absolutely furious at him.

"I should be asking you that you fucking slut!!" Tyler yelled back growling at Klaus and Caroline, while glaring at her.


Hearing this Klaus's eyes held fire in them and he lunged and sank his teeth into Tyler's side. And then Caroline made Klaus back off which he wasn't pleased with but obliged.

"LEAVE!! NOW BEFORE I LET HIM KILL YOU!!!!" She threatened with a cold and deadly look in her eye.

Tyler ran off into the darkness of the woods and once Klaus was sure Tyler was far enough he followed Caroline to her house.

She shut the door behind her after convincing him to go before her always trying to be the gentleman with her, walking in the direction Klaus had walked in. This was the first time she had seen his wolf form properly, in a brighter setting. She couldn't help but notice how beautiful he was. He was covered in a warm midnight black fur, and pretty much took up her whole couch.

"What's wrong?" She asked worried as he just laid there unmoving.

Klaus growled, as he stretched his neck out to show her his wound, Caroline saw this and let out a gasp. There was a large amount of blood in his beautiful fur and what looked like a chunk of him missing and he wasn't healing fast enough. It was causing him a lot of pain, it obviously wouldn't kill him but Caroline was still worried. The wound wouldn't heal unless he got more blood. On that thought Caroline ran to the kitchen, grabbed her last two blood bags, ripped them open and held them to his snout/mouth.

"Come on Klaus drink please." She pleaded with tears in her eyes at the thought of loosing him.

Klaus saw her tears and licked them away, he earned a giggle from her and then he greedily drank the two bags in record time he finished. Laying his head back down on the couch resting and Caroline lets out a sigh when she sees his neck increasing the pace it's healing at.

His head bumped her hand and she combed her fingers through the fur of the top of his head letting out a laugh, "You know I think I prefer you like this. You're less arrogant."

Klaus let out a growl at her comment and gave her a look that clearly stated he was the alpha male. Caroline smiled at him before standing up gently. Klaus watched her movements but stayed where he was.

"I'm going to go get ready for bed stay here while I change." She said as she playfully glared at him.

                                                                              -Caroline's POV-

I flashed upstairs to my room and closed the door softly and decided to take a shower after all the fighting and I looked down and felt oddly embarrassed that I had been around Klaus like this but I just shakes the thought from my head.

Then I took a warm shower and changed into some pjs that were semi-appropriate to be around Klaus in.

My pjs-

Then headed back down stairs to find Klaus in the same spot I left him, his head snapped up when I reached the bottom of the stairs

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Then headed back down stairs to find Klaus in the same spot I left him, his head snapped up when I reached the bottom of the stairs.

He got up and headed over to me and rubbed his head on my legs I could just hear him saying — 'you look beautiful love.'—Then he flashed up the stairs and I chased after him to see what he was up to. Then I just saw him on my bed with his head resting on his paws with his beautiful golden amber eye— stop it Caroline!!—I mentally scolded myself as I sighed and accepted that he probably wasn't going to move.

"you are gone in the morning and we never mention this to anyone." I said.

Klaus gave me a look that said, 'whatever you want, love' before he shifted over to give me room to lie down. I contemplated setting up a bed on the floor but I knew Klaus wouldn't agree to it. He would probably just move next to me anyway. I nodded to myself before turning on the lamp beside her bed. I climbed under the covers while Klaus was lying on top of them, turning on my side to face him.

"You know you have some serious explaining to do tomorrow. There are a lot of questions I want answers too." I said as I looked at him.

"Like how you recongise me? Why you're even a wolf right now. I didn't think you liked turning?" I asked, Klaus didn't say anything of course; instead he bumped my cheek with his nose causing me to laugh. Klaus' eyes flickered with amusement too.

"Does it get boring as a wolf? Just running around all night?" I asked as I held back a yawn. Klaus huffed in response so I took that as a yes.

"Do you see in color? Or is everything black and white?" I asked, the curiosity shined through in my voice. Klaus shook his head at my question. Then he lightly growled in annoyance.

"I get it, I get it. No more questions tonight." I promised, turning the lamp off with my other arm. I laid my head on his furry shoulder and snuggled deeper into into his beautiful fur and comfortably sighed as I drifted off to sleep.

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