Chapter 17 : Relieving the pain

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Caroline has her own house because she needed some freedom to be an adult.
⬆️Caroline's House⬆️

Caroline's POV-

We quickly unwind after that, with each original making plans or going to bed and Kol insisting on escorting Bonnie home; and suddenly it's just me and Klaus. I think about it and I should probably be getting home, but I don't want to I think.

I want to be wherever he is, in the short time I've been spending with him he's become my home and I don't want to leave his comforting embrace.

I don't know how to explain that to him though, it's hard to put into words this pull I feel towards him; it's an almost primal attraction.

"I should be going Klaus." I say making no steps towards moving apart from lifting my head so I can see his face.

"If that's what you want sweetheart." His face tells the story of his disappointment and I want so badly for him to see that reflected in my eyes.

"You could come with me?" I say softly, I need to be at home comforted by my things I need to have a bath and soak away the day; I know it's unfair to ask it of him but at the same time I pray he accepts.

"Are you sure love?" He asks taking in every detail of my face searching for my feelings.

"Only if you want to." I whisper downcast.

"I always want to be with you Caroline." Klaus says giving me a grin.

Things progress quickly after that, I reluctantly leave the safety and warmth that Klaus's arms promise and I shout my goodbyes to the rest of the house's occupant's while the hybrid beside me stays silent.

We head to my house and Klaus drives over there so that I don't have to run, we are silent most of the way but it's a comfortable silence simply enjoying each other's company.

I unlock the door and call out.

"Mom are you here?" I shout up the stairs.

"Just a minute." I hear her reply faintly.

I look to Klaus who looks perfectly at ease with the situation, I hope my mum feels the same way but just in case I go to the stairs where her gun belt hangs and quickly move it to the closet. No need to tempt her; I shoot Klaus a sheepish smile and he grins wickedly I can almost hear his thoughts.

'Let her try sweetheart.'

My mum comes down my stairs quickly and quickly stops when she see's me and Klaus leaning against the counters in my kitchen.

"Caroline?" She asks curiously cocking an eyebrow towards Klaus.

"Hey mum, this is Klaus. He's going to keep me company tonight it's been a rough day." I say hoping that if I'm confident with the situation she'll have no choice but to accept.

"And he's going to be keeping you company how exactly?" She asks turning her glare at Klaus. To his credit he doesn't do anything, just keeps his face impassive. But his eyes are smiling.

Maybe only I can tell that though.

"Mrs Forbes, I assure you that you and I are both striving towards the same thing; Caroline's health and happiness." he says sincerely.

She raises her eyebrow at him "Is that right? So tell me Klaus if a dangerous vampire was invited into your house and Caroline came home with him what would you do."

"I'm willing to bet exactly what you would do, except of course I'd probably get my fangs involved more." Klaus says offhandedly, and I almost want to laugh at the situation.

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