Chapter 27 : Dinner with Liz

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'Do you think we should tell them about what Ketzy said' I ask mentally.

'It's up to you sweetheart, I trust them to keep it to themselves' he replies grabbing my hand to give it a reassuring squeeze.

"Have you both got a little time, we'd like to tell you what Ketzy told us?" I ask with a smile as Elijah sighs with delight as he finally eats a chocolate.

"I have time but beckah won't be home till tomorrow." Kol moans around a particularly chewy toffee.

"We can tell her when she comes back." Klaus says gesturing to the living room.

"This is a lot of suspense just to tell us your moving in darling." Kol jokes as Elijah's face freezes in shock.

"If that's okay of course." I rush to say causing Klaus to glower down at me.

"Of course, Caroline, please tell us what Ketzy said." Elijah says with a happy little smile still cradling his sweets as we sit down.

'You tell them' I think desperately suddenly nervous.

I feel Klaus scoff mentally but he launches into the whole story, omissing the new information we had gained this morning.

"You're going to have a baby." Kol says slowly as if to make sure he heard correctly and it's the first time I've seen him look shocked.

"One day hopefully...yes." I grin.

He jumps up in excitement rushing forward to grab me in a hug and letting out a loud whooping sound, I hug him back loving how giddy he seems about this.

"This is incredible I'm going to be an uncle." He cries jubilantly spinning me around causing me to laugh as well.

"But we don't want people to know yet, we're only telling family but yes Uncle Kol." I laugh as he sets me down kissing my cheek with pure joy.

"You might have broken a rib but right now I'm too happy to care." He smirks at me.

"Oh gosh I'm so sorry I'm not used to my new strength yet, at least you aren't breakable." I wince as everyone laughs.

'You'll learn sweetheart' Klaus think to me a kiss in his words.

I take the chance to look at Elijah who looks utterly stunned Klaus looks at him warily and I can feel his anxiety about his reaction down the bond, I'm sending back reassuring thoughts when Elijah suddenly stands causing Klaus to mirror him confused and very very wary.

Elijah grabs him in a crushing hug and I can feel Klaus's relief as he hugs him back, they pat each others back in the awkward way that guys do before separating both looking a little worse for wear.

"We will do this right Brother?" Klaus asks and I know it's a question from a younger brother to an older.

"Your child will know nothing but love brother, always and forever." Elijah says back standing tall and proud as he announces his oath.

"Uncles Elijah!" Kol shouts happily running at them both and breaking the incredibly moving moment.

They all laugh as they push an overexcited Kol off of them and Klaus makes his way back to me, a joy in his eyes that wasn't there before as I kiss him softly.

"How will you be able to tell when you get pregnant, do you have to remain abstinent unless you want a child?" Elijah asks seriously making me blush and Kol hoot in laughter.

"Can you imagine these two abstinent! There has to be a spell or ritual that allows them to control it." He says giddy in delight.

"Kol is right brother, but it's a private matter. Rest assured that when we know you'll know." Klaus cuts Kol off with an angry glower.

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