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hello there


so, what are you doing?

that was honestly so formal sks
don't you know slang?

english is not my first language so i do not tend to know much slang, but what are you doing?

oh i'm studying for an upcoming exam

ooh what is it on


i can do math very quick

318528 × 16176273


skksksksjsj that is definetly definetly wrong

it was quick though am i right 😏

ew no smirky face, that's creepy man

hmm, okay

can we actually get to know each other or something cuz all i know is your a blind stan of jungkook who needs glasses for thinking jimin has no jams

heyyyy, i said you needed glasses first so jokes on you

hey guess what
i am wearing my glasses rn so ha
also wanna play 21 questions?

sure, you start though i am bad with coming up with questions


uhh... 21

ur 2 years older k then..

i am not a pedo i swear
uhh, name?

that makes you sound more like one aha
anyways, yeseul

favourite color?

probs yellow
you got a girlfriend?

bit personal but no i am forever lonely
what about you?
have you got a boyfriend?
wait are you even straight?

aha, yeh im straight but no i am also a loner like you
are you straight then?

yup, job?

i work in a coffee shop, only part-time cuz i'm in college but yeh i need a way of making money
what about you?

lets just say i am living the dream ;)

what are you then an idol of some sort lol

who knows 😉
at least i am making money
i do not have any more questions

me neither
oh wait, bias wrecker in bts?

namjoon :)

oops, auto-correct 😅

jungkook auto-corrects to jungcock?
wow, you must use jungcock alot

you aren't wrong

when did you become an army?

2014, wow i was 14 years old oof

how did you find them?

i lived in korea at the time and they became quite big there so yeh
what about you?

i found them on youtube aha

gonna say, 2011?
dude the members were still being picked then

oh yeh haha

are you actually good at math cuz i need help

my hyung is though, what is the question and i will ask him

(random question (im not putting in an actual question cuz lockdown has made me dumb and i can't be bothered searching stuff up lol))

he said it is (random answer)
understand how?

oh yeh, tell him thanks
on another note, have you heard the new album i like really died

omg yeh jungkook looks so good

gay much?
but omg jimin started off boy with luv i love his voice so much skssksk

what is your favourite song?
mine is mikrokosmos

home, jimin sounds like so good in home i actually love it
im so addicted to the song
what is your favourite concept photos?

i cannot pick, they all look amazing on all of them

yes omg
gotta go finish my math lol
i'll talk later ✌

okay, talk later then 😊

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