Chapter 32 - difficult

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Smile's POV. 

It's been a hour or two since I told them I didn't wanted to know least for now. I have been siting outside in the backyard porch. I think about how my life has turned upside down since I came to here. Nothing was right from the start. On the first day I didn't had any room to stay . Then Sarah pushed me in the pool and I almost drowned to death. That incident in the alley. I remember when I was out at night following voices I saw that lady. God I was scared as fuçk. I panicked after seeing Sarah at James' house. There was one thing common all these incidents that is Zayn always came to save me. He let me stay in his room, saved from drowning and that man in the alley and other things also. He helped at all the times. Zayn was not as bad as he tries to show him self. Zayn is just....Zayn.

After sitting outside for an hour or so i decide to go inside.  I walked inside the house and see Zayn and Sunshine talking to each other. Zayn had angry look on his face and Sunshine looked worried. Diamond was cooking lunch in the kitchen and Agate was helping him. Harry and Liam were sitting on the couch looking at there phones. I think that Niall Louis and Jane left. I see that everyone seemed to be busy in there own work i decide to go outside again. I walk back to the porch and sit. I stare at the blue quietly. Thinking of what life would have been if I never came here. Everything would have been normal.

I decide to call mom as I've not talked to her seen my second day here and I really need to talk to her, I need emotional support.

I take my phone out of my pocket and Dial mom's number. She picks the call after 3 rings.

"Smiley my baby." My mother cooed. Relief rushed in my body as I heard her voice. I couldn't help it a small smile took place on my lips.

"Mom I miss you so much." It was the first thing that left my mouth and it was very true. I miss her so much right now.

"What happened baby? Is everything fine? You seemed to be a little sad.

"Nothing mom, it's just college work and stress." I lied. I couldn't tell her any thing right now. I will tell her but not now. Such things are meant to be talked about when you're face to face with someone.

"Don't worry every will be alright soon honey." Her voice was strong. For a second it really made me believe that everything will be alright.

"Mom I'm coming home this weekend. I want to see you." I informed her.

"Great sweetie but don't you think that will be a great waste of money. The plane tickets will cost a lot and I don't want you to waste money. It's been only three weeks since your school started and coming home will be a waste of money." I knew she would say this. She knows I worked hard for earning money. She never like to use my money  for household help but I never listened to her. I knew she needed help  with all the bills and shiť.

"I have money mom and I don't care if it's been three weeks or three months  I just want to see you and I'm coming that's final." I told her. I knew she missed me a lot but she would not say a word.

"Arguing with you will be a waste of time. Your dad and I spoiled you with all our love." She let  out a sad-happy laugh. My heart ached as she talked about Dad. I know she must be feeling all lonely and all with no one in the house.

"I love you mom and I'll come home soon. Thank you for everything." Tears filled my eyes.

"I love you too sweetie and stop saying thank you. It was God's choice that he wanted us to bless with such beautiful  girl and we couldn't  say no to it love." Her voice sounded like she is crying.  Hell I know she is.

"I gotta go mom. My class starts soon." I lied. God talking to her makes me so emotional.

"Okay Smiley do well in school and I love you."

"I love you too mommy." I whispered before hang the phone.

I walk back inside that house and bump in Diamond. She looks at me with her blue eyes and I hate that they're same as mine. They keep reminding  me that she's my real mother. "Who were you talking honey?" She asked me very sweetly.

I rolled my eyes at her fake sweetness. Why does she keeps calling me sweetie honey and all of this other shit. "My mother. My real mother who loves me." I spit harshly. She looks at the ground before she could say anything I walked away.

I quickly walk Zayn. Who is talking to Harry now with the some angry look on his face like before. what's with this angry look of his? Is everything okay? I thought.

"You don't understand it Harry. We don't know what-" I don't let him finish.

"Zayn I want to go back to the dorm room." I say nonchalantly.

"What?" He gives me a confused  looked.

"I want to go back  to the dorm." I say simply with no emotions.

"But why? What happened?" He questioned me.

"No I want to go back because I don't like it here." It was true I didn't like being here. It's like I can't breathe  with all people fake and stupid people.

"Well okay then we'll leave after having  lunch. Mrs. Loinheart made food for all of us." He said looking  at Diamond with a smile on his face.

"I'm not going to eat anything that she made." I know maybe I'm acting a bit difficult but I just can't let it go that easily.

"Stop being so difficult Smile. You're making it hard for all of us. Stop acting like a snob. They're trying their best and you just acting like a total a bitçh. You should thank Diamond  and Agate that they didn't kill you." He shouted at me very harshly. I could feel tears in my eyes. I tear rolled out of my left eye but I quickly wiped it away.

"You don't know anything  Zayn. You don't know what I've been through  in all these past years. You don't know how much I've died everyday thinking about what was wrong in me that my parents me. I wanted to die. I wish they would have killed that time. At least then I wouldn't have to go through all this shìt. It's better to die than living for me." I shouted back at him with tears streaming  down my face. The house fell silent the only voice I could hear was of my breathing. I wiped my face and walked past Zayn and picked my cars keys from the coffee table.

"Smile I-I-I-" I heard Zayn's voice. But I just started to running outside towards my car. I opened the door and ran to my car. I quickly got in the started the engine.

"Smile come back. It's not safe for you." I saw Zayn running out of the house but I drove away.


I drive aimlessly. I don't know where I want to go  or where am I going. I don't know where to go. I just keep driving.

My phone starts to ring. I look at the screen it flashes  James' name. I looked at the screen for two seconds thinking should I pick it up or not. But u decide to answer the call.

"Hello babe." James said in his raspy voice. I couldn't  help it but blush at how he called me "Babe"

"Hii James."

"Where are you? I want to meet you." He said. I don't what's with James I find him highly charming.

"Uh fine. Let's meet up." I say smiling ear to ear.


A/N; well well well look who updated. Me!!!

How are you people????

So smile is meeting  James I don't think the outcome will be good. What do you think?

Btw, I very close to 1k votes. Ehhhhhh. Please do me a favour go back and vote for all the chapter you haven't  voted. Please I really  want 1k votes.

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