1 • Winter Bus Stop

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I shiver as the cold winter winds brush against my bare face, attempting to push my scarf further up my face to keep the warmth, without taking my hands out of the pockets. The cars that rush before me create a gust that makes me unstable, I stumble whilst I rebalance myself. I'm alone in solitude as I wait for my early bus to school. At this time of year, it was neither snowing nor icy. Just the fluctuating winds that spontaneously bash oncoming pedestrians. It was only the start of Winter.

I look at the bus timetable, 5 more minutes of freezing torture as I tighten my padding coat with my pocketed warm hands, that are toasty from the heat packs. I heard a rumble under the number of clothing I wore. I look down. My stomach growling for food due to my rushed schedule this morning.

I breathe out and lift my head to a fast blow of wind that came unexpected from my bus. I could feel my feet lifting from the ground as I slowly fall. I try and release my hands from their warmth to catch myself, ultimately failing before I feel the touch of another being resting on my back and holding my tight. I open my eyes from the startled fall. A boy with dark, almost black locks looked at me in worry. I was shocked at his sudden appearance and quickly stood up off his arm. His perfectly formed face silenced me and I just stared. Still with his worried expression he says, "Are you okay?". I attempted to reply before realising I was speaking through my scarf. Blushing, I pulled it down fast; I bow, apologise and thank him. He laughs quietly and asks if the bus 4419 was my ride. I nod and he lets me go on first.

On entrance in the bus, I tap my card only to see I've run out of money. Today must be my lucky day, I thought as I try to persuade the driver I needed to be on this bus. Of course as any bus driver would, he refused. In a state of panic, I quickly turn around when I see the boy rush past me. He says to the driver, "Two tickets please". He takes my wrist and walks me in. We take two single seats; I'm sitting behind him whilst bus 4419 leaves the quiet Winter Bus Station

BUS 4419 : Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now