4 • Youth

9 2 0

"Show me what you've learnt, maybe I can help you out." He tells me as I set my bag down next to the wall of the dance studio.

Our classes are separated into females and males but the dance studio allows for anyone to practice to enhance our performances by learning from one another. We have at least an hour and half before we need to return for morning call. 

I slowly tiptoe to the speakers and enter in the song I've been practicing. I've never felt so nervous, I'm a performer but his presence makes me anxious. I take some steps backwards to the centre of the room, aligned perfectly in the middle. He sat looking patiently for the music to start and for me to begin.

I close my eyes and, take a breath in and out. Troye Sivan's "Youth" starting to gradually crescendo into the beginning of my routine.

Still shaking, I take caution in every move I make, every turn and reach I present. I couldn't mess up and I won't. Confidence fills me after a few seconds and I finally feel free in the music, I am invincible once I begin to dance. Dancing was my freedom and my only method to stay calm and stress-free. I hear my footsteps hitting the wooden floor in beat with the song. Although we were inside, I feel the air brushing my arms and the music booming on my feet aiding me towards a perfect performance. Solely focused on my dance, I didn't notice that Hyunjin was there. The nervousness that was, had now left.

I kneel on the ground, panting as the music comes to a close. Clapping sounds loudly sounded in the corner of the room. Hyunjin looks at me with eyes that shined with proudness and honour.

"That was amazing, did you choreograph that yourself?" He asks in awe.

I giggle, "Yeah."

"Wow. The honour," he kneels down towards me and we laugh, "Although at the chorus, I think you should bring your arms up straighter like this." He takes me arm and stands behind me, we were touching and extremely close. His face was edging towards mine. I feel my heart beating out of control and being in discomfort. He realises the discomfort that I showed on my face and hyunjin steps back apologising.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" 

"No, don't worry. I just wasn't expecting it," I break his sentence.

At that awkward encounter, the bell rings for registration.

"Best get going now, thank you so much for the tips. I'll practice them sunbae. See you around," I take my bags and leave the studio towards class. 


"Ah, she thinks I'm a creep," I scratch my head in embarrassment. I look out of the studio door and I see Sona's figure leaning on the door breathing deeply. She must've been so startled. So was I, I hold my hands on my heart as it beats violently. 

I grab my bags. A blue diary with SONA written on it. She's a clumsy one, I chuckle.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2019 ⏰

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