Chapter one

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Danny looked at the beautiful roses and violets, he was excited. He reached for a flower but was stopped "Danny! Cmon!"  Danny glanced at the flowers before flying off to the dark angel in front of him. The two walked together, looking around at the beautiful flowers and such around them. Danny was happy, looking over at the other Angel, who didn't look as excited, looked pretty exhausted If anything. Deuce was always exhausted, he didn't have energy like danny.  Soon, Johnny came into view, the angel of Death. Deuce muttered to himself, annoyed that Johnny had dragged them out here. Johnny showed them two necklaces, yin and yang. One piece being the 'there's a little good in bad' and the other 'there's a little bad in good' like friendship necklaces.
"These are a promise between you two." Johnny explained, holding the two necklaces up to the angels' faces. "You'll both live In peace now, no more fights. The promise is very important. If you two are to grow close because of this, it'd be extremely harmful to you guys if the promise is broken. The necklaces will crack and shatter, it'd shattered your relationship with each other. You both have equal power, you can kill each other." Deuce looked down, he and Danny had fought before, it analwas awful.  Deuce remembered all the blood, how badly they had beat each other. He shivered slightly and looked back at Johnny. Deuce had put the 'a little good in bad' necklace, while danny had the other.

Danny opened his eyes, stretching his golden wings. He completely forgot what he was doing, he looked around. He was in the palace, sitting on the floor. did he pass out or Something?  Danny pulled himself up, he grabbed the necklace, he remembered the day he and Deuce had gotten the necklaces. Danny was thankful for the event. He and Deuce were very close now. He loved Deuce, not like a brother love, or friend love, He loved-loved Deuce. Dannys cheek heated up as he thought about him.

"Hey short - cakes. Finally awake!" Danny looked over to see the Angel. it was Deuce!  Danny jumped up and smiled at Deuce smiled back. "What happened to me?" Danny asked as the other Angel helped him up. "You passed out randomly" Deuce replied. "Now lets go, we don't want Johnny to try and kill us again." Danny nodded, knowing how dangerous the Angel of Death was. They both headed off.

"Hey guys!! Look!" Charile shouted to the others. Everyone went over to the Love angel, the sun was setting, creating a beautiful scene. Dylan smiled, he always loved the sunset. Johnny just rolled his eyes, turning his back to the others and flying off. Dannys eyes sparkled, he didn't want to leave just yet. He watched the sun while the others flew off, Deuce looked over at Daniel. Danny had a big smile on his face.  Deuce stared at the angel for a while then spoke "Cmon shortcake, we gotta go"
Danny looked at him, frowning a little "I'm not short!"

"Yes, you are."

"No!" Danny ran to Deuce and playfully punched him in the arm. Deuce only chuckled. They both smiled before flying away.

A/N: Sorry it's short! I don't have very good ideas but I wanted to write here again!  I'll try to do more! Bye!

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