chapter four

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The rain and dark days had stopped, but Deuce was still acting strange, like he was worried or something. Every angel tried to find out what was wrong but, Deuce wouldn't say. It made Jorel stick around him a lot, Johnny and Danny started to fear that Deuce would become like jorel had once been, sad, alone and then he wouldn't be able to care for himself, then everything would shut down. Being a special angel like them, they were expected to keep themselves healthy and they got to do things others couldnt. Like experience what life on Earth had used to be, if Deuce died, he'd go to hell.

Danny was helping Dylan find places for animals to cover from the harsh Strom that was going to start soon. Half way through, Dannys necklace started to glow, Deuce was calling him. "Sorry Dyl. I have to go." Without another word Dan teleported away.

Deuce waited, holding his necklace in his hand, he knew danny would be there in less than a second,
"Deuce?" There was the voice, that lovley, cheery voice that always made Deuce feel better, but that voice only caused pain now, Deuce felt like a horrible friend for keeping the light angels death a secret for so long. "Walk with me" Deuce said, letting go of the necklace and walking away, danny quickly followed, he felt a little excited, maybe Danny could finally tell Deuce how he really felt.

"Danny, do you know how you died?" Danny didn't have to think about this, Johnny had asked him that question before, "No, I dont even remember most of my life, to be honest"
"Danny, you we're suicidal"
Danny stopped in his tracks. how could he be here if he was suicidal?
"You jumped off a building, Johnny tried to get to you, to save you, help you live as an angel but he failed. He felt so guilty. He sent me to get you, and to keep trying to get you out until I broke the barrier"
"But..why would I do that? Your human personality and stuff comes with you to the afterlife, right?"
Deuce nodded, "you were bullied, fake friends and had an abusive childhood. Matt was able to erase the bad things. The happiness you have now is from when you were 5 and the abuse hadn't started, and the fake happiness. Its why you're good at hiding your secrets and emotions"

"Why are you telling me this? "

"It weighed on my shoulders for almost a year. Its my death anniversary today and I couldn't go through this horrible day with hiding something to such a clos friend.."

Danny just stood there. He didn't know what to say, but, he knew it wouldn't really effect his life here. Real friends, no abuse.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2019 ⏰

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