Chapter 1

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"Emmy, baby wake up it's 7 o clock, you slept through your alarm again"


My eyes shot open and look towards my bedroom door to see my mother standing there. Of course I slept through my alarm again, ugh why wouldn't I on a Monday morning? 

"Thanks mum, It won't happen again" I tell her as she disappears from my door frame. 

I strip the covers from myself leaving my body frozen as the chilled air hits me. Shivering I quickly make my way into my bathroom across the hall, immediately turning on the shower. As the water heats up, I walk back into my room and grab my outfit for the day. Going through my dresser the best thing I could find was black leggings and an oversized hoodie. I grabbed them from my messy drawers along with my bra and underwear, then head back into the bathroom. I set my clothes down on the counter and begin to strip off my pyjamas. I then step into the shower, having immediately feeling the shock of the hot water against my cold body. 

I quickly washed my hair and body and then stepped out of the tub, turning off the shower. I then dried my body off and proceeded to put on the outfit of which I have chosen for today. Then grabbing my clothes, I went back into my bedroom and threw them into my laundry basket. I looked at my alarm clock sitting on my beds side table to see that it was 7:30 already. 

Shit I'm going to be late again...

Rushing to now get ready, I sit down at my vanity and quickly put on some mascara to make it look like I at least put a little bit of effort in today. Once I finished that I put all my school stuff into my backpack along with some money since I won't have time to eat at home. I grabbed my bag and phone, and made my way downstairs. 

Thankfully this year I don't have to take a bus to school because I got my license this summer once I turned 16 and now I get to drive all of my best friends and I to school. Speaking of driving people to school I better get going if we don't wanna be late. 

I quickly tie my hair into a low pony tail to get it out of the way, then grab my keys for my car. 

"See you after school mum" I say to my mother who was just sitting on the couch reading a book as always. 

"Yes I'll see you in a bit honey, and don't forget your grandparents are coming to visit this week so you need to be home right after school" She tells me causing me to roll my eyes slightly. 

Don't get me wrong, I love my grandparents but whenever they come over, I never get to hangout with my friends or even leave the house for that matter unless I'm going to school. 

I throw on my Adidas slides and open the front door to head to my car sitting in the driveway. I get into my car and begin my drive to go pick up my friend Bella. It's a good thing she only lives about two blocks away from my house or wee would be super late since I still need to go get some breakfast somewhere. 

I arrive at her house and text her to let her know I'm here. Soon enough she come strolling out of her house and into the passengers seat of my car. "Hey Bells" 

"Woah, dude, you sound dreadful" she tells me looking me up and down while laughing, "and you look like shit", she says continuing her laughs. I roll my eyes and explain to her my morning. "Well it's Monday, and of course I woke up late and still haven't eaten yet or anything". Bella nods her head as I proceed to tell her we are making a pit stop at Starbucks for coffee and breakfast. "Ah yes of course you basic white hoe" she says to me still laughing. 

Here is a bit of background on my best friend Bella. We have been friends basically since birth, as our mothers are so close. Since literally forever Bella has been very different from people our age and society in general, she likes to branch out and be her own person without the influence of others, hence her telling me how basic I am. 

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