Chapter 2

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I groan and turn over in my bed to shut off that horrible noise ringing through my ears. I hit the button and the turned on my phone to check the time. 

Ah just perfect, 6:30am. 

I sigh comes out of my mouth full of relief for finally waking up on time for school. I feel as if today was almost useless since it's Friday and I could honestly care less about a half day at school. 

I push the covers off of me and immediately go to my window to open the blinds. The light suddenly comes bursting through my room causing my eyes to shut very quickly but I slowly open them to reveal a beautiful morning. 

Today is going to be a good day, I think to myself, something just feels right

I begin my morning by turning on some music. Starting my day, with good vibes, I play my favourite chill songs by James Arthur off of his 'Back From the Edge' album. I hum the songs to myself as I get dressed, as well as, do my hair, and makeup. Todays look is pretty simple for the kickstart of the weekend. For my outfit I decided to wear my all time favourite pair of light washed skinny jeans and an oversized sweater, I put my hair into two dutch-braids and decided on light makeup. 

By the time I finished getting ready it was already 7:15am which leaves me just enough time to grab breakfast at home. 

I pack all of my school stuff into my bag, grabbing my phone as well, then head downstairs into the kitchen. I set my bag down by the door then walked into the kitchen to find my mother made breakfast for myself as well as my grandparents. 

Unfortunately it's my grandparents last day here before they head back home but at least now I'll get to hangout with Bella after school. 

I look at the kitchen counter to see fruit, yogurt, eggs, and bacon set out buffet style. I grab a plate and start putting a few things onto it. I then sat down at the island in the kitchen and dug into my food, eating moderately but quickly since I still had to pick up Bells then go to school.

After finishing my food I said my goodbyes to my grandparents, grabbed my car keys, threw on my white converse and fled out the door. I got into my car then proceed to drive to Bella's house. I honked my horn once I got to her house to indicate that I was here. Soon enough she came walking out of her house and sat into my car. 

Driving to school is always fun with my best friend, chatting about our night, plans for the weekend, and listening to some fun tunes to set the mood for the day. Of course on our way to school we had to grab some coffee first so we took a quick stop at Starbucks. I ordered just a plain iced coffee this morning and then we were on our way to the school. 

"So Bells, what are your plans for this weekend?" I ask her curious if she already had plans or wanted to make some with me. 

"Actually... theres this super huge party tonight at Kat's house, it's her brothers party but she invited us to come, starts at 9" Bella tells me. 

I nod my head to the idea. I've honestly never really been to a high school party before but now that I think of it; this is junior year of high school and I don't want to go through all of high school without even one party attendance, it's now or never. 

"You know what Bells, lets do it, we should definitely go" I reply with confidence. Of course I'm shy and parties aren't really my scene but I haven't had a fun time out in a really long time.

"Ahh yes! I was not expecting you to say that but since you did, I'm so excited Emmy", Bella says with enthusiasm and excitement filled within her voice. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2019 ⏰

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