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Loading up horror...

Loading up horror...

Loading up horror...

Loading up horror...

Loading up horror...

Horror loaded

Necrophobia - Fear of
death or dead things

"Come on Lix it's just a forest".

"are you sure"?

"yes now stop being such a baby".

"ok Rachel"!

The Lee siblings walk through the forest hand in hand until the found a stream.

"Come on Lix let's go this way"

With Rachel leading they started to walk by the stream.

"Thank god the Liv stayed home. She would've hated this".

"Yes she would- hey what's that"?

Felix stoped and looked to where Rachel was pointing at

"It looks like a person"?

The siblings started walking towards the man not knowing what waits them. Slowly the figure became more and more clear. With 10 feet in between them and the person they were able to identify them as a he. Rachel pointed out something about a rope from the tree but Felix couldn't hear her and kept getting closer.

"Felix I think we should leave"

Felix couldn't hear a thing but the beating of two hearts. As he got closer with less then five feet distancing him and the person he noticed some details. The person was male. The male had green rotting skin. The male had bugs all over him feasting on his decaying flesh. The male had a rope around his neck that was tied to a tree. And the most noticeable thing was that the male had lifeless eyes that stared right into Felix's.


Felix finally realized that he didn't hear two heart beat but his own going twice as fast. But now he couldn't even hear his own. All he could hear was his screaming.

"I'm scared"

booting up data...

booting up data...

booting up data...

booting up data...

data booted


•bang chan•
•age: 21•
•dob: 10/3/97•
•fear: unknown•
•status: alive•

•kim woojin•
•age: 22•
•dob: 4/8/97•
•fear: claustrophobia •
•status: dead •

•lee minho•
•age: 20•
•dob: 10/25/98•
•fear: unknown•
•status: alive•

•seo changbin•
•age: 19•
•dob: 8/11/99•
•fear: unknown•
•status: alive•

•hwang hyunjin•
•age: 19•
•dob: 3/20/00•
•fear: unknown•
•status: alive•

•han jisung•
•age: 18•
•dob: 9/14/99•
•fear: unknown•
•status: alive•

•lee felix•
•age: 18•
•dob: 9/15/00•
•fear: necrophobia•
•status: dead•

•kim seungmin•
•age: 18•
•dob: 9/22/00•
•fear: unknown•
•status: injured•

•yang jeongin•
•age: 18•
•dob: 2/8/01•
•fear: unknown•
•status: injured•

adjusting room to fit the needs of our clients...

adjusting room...

adjusting room...

adjusting room...

room adjusted awake the clients

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