Chapter 35 What the hell?

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deepikamaheshwari87 thanks for the votes
It has been 2 weeks since then, all are going good. Or at least seems to. Ethan agreed to see a shrink twice a week and I joined him on the first meet.
I became like a second daughter for Mrs. Chase, who is now pressuring me to call her mom. Meanwhile my parents and Jacob's parents are being so friendly and cozy since his parents came to know who locked me up and all. It's so weird each time there is a get together, and we act like literal strangers.
And it always pains when he brings Jasmine to some of the parties. The worst is when she sits on his and have a heavy make out session. It always breaks my heart to see him move on and be happy.
Sometimes I feel he is doing them to just make me jealous. But who am I kidding where is Jasmine and me a plain and fat, Savannah.
But still Justin hates me for some unknown reason, the other day he poured sprite all over me and called me ugly and ran away.
It's the worst when I think that I can't make not even a single of the Brown boys to like me.
But there is Lily, she has finally warmed up to me and her boyfriend Mason. Yeah, a five year old has a boyfriend, but boy you had to see the cute way he asked her to be his girlfriend. Of course we helped him, but still it was the best.

The school is going fine, the finals are around the corner. And the play that we had to do as a group was cancelled. Thanks the heavens because it would have been one hell of an awkward session.
I enter the school, flattening my shirt so that I don't look like a muffin wearing a top. As I enter I see Ethan waiting near my locker. I say "Hey what's up?" He shrugs his shoulder but still has his creepy million watt smile. So I push him of the locker and take my books for the day when he taps my shoulder and I square my shoulders and say him "Fuck off!"

I know I was being rude, but when I hear a voice say "Gladly when and where?" The books that I try to put inside my bag falls down. I mumble a sorry and go down to take the books when Jacob beats me to it and takes the books. I mumble a thanks and that's when I feel a hand on my chin motioning me to look up. And that's when I see his brown eyes look into mine and it was just like the old times and I could feel all my emotions rushing through me and a lone tear slip down my cheeks. He brushes of it and comes down to my ears and says "Hey! Don't cry? We will talk after school ok?" And he places a kiss on my forehead and walks away.

I stand there like a statue for a while and then I get startled by the school bell and I turn to grinning Ethan and hit his shoulders saying "You knew about this didn't you?"
He shakes his head and says "Nope I didn't know anything about this all I knew that he broke up with Jasmine after he caught her cheating with Mr. Decker. And I thought your route is clear now, but boy he was fast." And then wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.

I scrunch up my face thinking she slept with a Teacher and I shake my head thinking about how Jacob would have been so sad and what he wanted to talk about.
The day goes by in lightening speed and I find myself walking towards Jacob's car and that's when I see a scene that broke my heart into million pieces. There was Jacob shoving his tongue into Jasmine's mouth. The moment I see that I start running in the opposite direction, I end up catching the bus and I reach my home. Where I see my mom and dad running around the house and packing some stuff.

I was to much dwelling over my thoughts I didn't hear a word what my mom said and I start walking mindlessly into my room. That's when my dad caught my hands and shook my hands and had a bright smile and said "Congrats kiddo you got into NYU!!"

I couldn't even believe what I was hearing and engulf my dad into a bear hug and I start crying like a mad woman. My dad coos into my ears saying encouraging words, I was very confused why I was crying but I forget about everything and hug my dad and mom, the latter jumped screaming "Group hug"
So after a while we were all settled and my mom was cooking and my dad was closing up a curtain, I ask them "Hey guys where are we going by the way?"
My dad shakes his head and says "Oh my god in all these happiness I forgot to say we are going out for the weekend to a cabin in the woods. Isn't it sounding so cool?"

I was shocked was a understatement in the first I was happy but slowly I start thinking that I didn't know we had a cabin nor did our relatives. So I voice out my thoughts and my dad says "It's the Browns, I am always startled by how rich they are?"

And that when I start shaking my head and start saying no repeatedly and that's when my mom peeps from the kitchen and asks "Why?"
And I say the first thing that came up to my mind and I scream "Exams!"
My dad gives me the look and I raise my hands up and say "Nope ok wait let me think...."
And that's when my mom comes and stands in front of me and says "Hey wait why are you going all defensive?" My dad adds "Yeah kid feel me what's wrong?"
I shake my head and look down and mumble "I am going up to my room!" My mom stops me and says "It's Jacob right?" And smiles I look back to see my dad have a similar smile to my mom and shakes his head saying "God I can't believe the kids these days being transparent like a glass."
I just stare at my parents with my mouth wide open and that's when I see Ethan entering the house screaming "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Jones and Sav! Your favorite son is here!"
And that's when all the pieces fit together and I say "Ethan what did you do?"
I can see him look around and at my parents who have there mouth shut and shake their heads and my mom mumbles a sorry.
And that's when I scream "Oh my god Ethan!!" And I start chasing him around the house.
Hey guys
Finally! Hope you liked this chapter!
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