Chapter 2

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This part contains scenes not suitable for young audiences...

Contains xxx things...ya you know that from the start anyway so...yeah!


Everyone was enjoying the food that was prepared by Shimizu, Yachi and the other managers and teachers. Stuffing their stomach with their hearts desire.

"Waah that's my meat!"

"Slow down! You might choke, Hinata." Sugawara reminded Hinata who shoved in few slices of roasted meat into his mouth.

"Mmf..mmmff ... mmmmf." He said which just turns out to be muffled words.

Sugawara just laughed and look over the other teams enjoying the meal. His smile becomes wider making Daichi notice.

"Love what you see?" Sugawara blushed but brushed it off quickly.

"Yeah, everyone looks so happy." He replied and took a bite of his food.

Kuro and Bokuto were trying to hit on Tsukishima but the younger one just seemed to be annoyed.

"Why do I have to be with this two?" He mumbles making Yamaguchi smile silently but Tsukishima has a fast eye catching Yamaguchi's reaction.

"What ya smiling at?" He pouted and a tint of pink was plastered in his cheeks.

Tanaka, Tora and Nishinoya made a bet to whoever eats the most plate of meat wins. But its just some manly things, no particular motif or something. Just trying to impress the woman they look up to.

Its true, everyone seems happy except for the pudding head sitting on a corner, being pissed by the noise.

"Kenma-san, why are you so silent? Do you feel sick?" Lev asked as he eat his meal.

Kenma didn't answer and just finish his meal and stood up afterwards. He looks around ans spotted a bubbly sunshine pushing away a black haired guy who seemed to be in good terms with the orange head. He felt a pint of jealousy towards the two. He was about to leave when a familiar voice called out his dull name.

"Kenmaaaa!!" He quickly stopped on his track and slowly turn around just to see a running Hinata towards his direction. An enraged Kageyama following the little crow. Hinata extending his arms towards him but ends up bumping into his slim built. Falling down on the floor with a loud bang. Kageyama stopped as he saw the two on the ground.

"Oi! Hinata boke! Bumping into someone that hard! Boke!"

(I love how Kageyama says boke multiple times and I can't help but laugh as I type that word^_^)

"Ow, ow, ow..." Hinata tries to get up but a stingy sensation stops him from doing so. He looks at the boy under him flushed red. Quickly registering the whole situation, he jump back, sitting between Kenma's thighs.

"A-Are you alright, Kenma? I'm so so so sorry I bump into you!" Hinata shouted as he held Kenma's shoulder's pulling the older boy up. Kenma was now sitting and he's spacing out. He cannot believe their current situation.

"Kenma!" He snap out of reality and look straight at Hinata's eyes. Then he realized everyone was gather around them. He easily found Kuro, whose smile was as annoying as ever.

He knows that smile more than anyone else inside the room. That's the smile of someone who has an evil plan in his mind. Kenma thought.

Inouka stretched out a hand towards Kenma and Sugawara to Hinata. When they finally stood up Sugawara asked if they're okay and they both said yes in unison making Kenma look away.

Truth Or Dare (Haikyu Version) KenHinaWhere stories live. Discover now