Chapter 7

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Kenma's POV


Just as I say his name a door burst open and Lev's voice echoed through the bathroom walls.

Oh no! What should we do? What should I do? We can't let Lev see us like this!

"Oi Lev! Yaku-san called for you!" I can hear Kuro's voice coming from the halls. Lev believed him which is not surprising. Lev's a bit slow but he's honest. Although his honesty annoys me sometimes. Hearing his footsteps fade from afar made my heart feel relieved. But it raised up again when someone walks closer towards our direction. Staring at Shouyo's worried and scared eyes I clenched my teeth and closed my eyes.

The footsteps stopped right in front of the door where we were at. Shouyo's cavern tighten up making me feel aroused. Not now! A deep sigh was heard outside the stall door.

"I never thought it would go this far." It was Kuro! Shit! With all the people, why him?! Holding tight into Shouyo's body. I stayed silent and waited for another word coming from Kuro.

"Mind if you lower down your noise, you two were too loud. Well, if you're already done be sure to clean up before lunch." He said before walking away.

When the coast was clear my breathing became normal.

"Are we that loud?" Shouyo ask dumbly and I look at him in disbelief. He made a cute face that makes me wanna cuddle him in bed but I can't do that. We should clean up before someone else will definitely find us.

I pulled out inside Shouyo. My juice drips out from his hole making me stare at it in amazement like its mine inside him. I've marked him. He's mine.

"Its leaking out!" He shouted as he tries to prevent the semen from escaping his cavern. He squeezed his ass tight making me chuckle in delight.

"Shouyo, we should clean up." He nods and let my cum squirts out. Good thing there's a shower inside. After cleaning up we separate ways. He kissed me goodbye and I told him to take some pain killers for he might end up not be able to walk tomorrow. He waved goodbye and disappear in my sight. I sighed deep and think of the things I did with Shouyo.

"I didn't ask him to become my boyfriend." I exclaimed, hoping that no one heard me say that out loud.

But what will I tell Kuro? For sure he will not stop teasing me about this.

**Time Skip**

Next morning, last day of practice. I wake up because of cramps and it startled everyone in Nekoma's quarters, except Kuro though. It was like he expected this and acted calm. Yaku told me I don't have to be into practice and take some rest.

I am playing some Mario kart in my PSP when a text from Shouyo distracted me.

From: Shouyo
To: Kenma
Subject:re: After doing it.
Heard you have cramps. How are you feeling?

From: Kenma
To: Shouyo
Subject:re: After doing it
I'm feeling fine. Just bored being alone doing nothing.

From: Shouyo
To: Kenma
Subject: re: Miss You
I'm coming.

I haven't finish reading his text when the door slide open revealing an exhausted sunshine.

"Shouyo." Yeah its him, I just have this urge to say his name. I love how his name flicks in my tongue. He walks towards me and sit beside my futon. He started playing with my hair as he stares at me, I averted my eyes and he pouted.

"Why're you not looking at me?" I pursed my lips and said nothing. I can't just look straight at his eyes and acted like nothing happened.

"Can you sit down?" He ask and leans closer that I can almost feel his every breath.

"Why are you not talking to me." He whispered in my ear giving me goosebumps. I look at him and my eyes drops in his lips that are moist and a mark of soreness can be noticed because of yesterday. I can't help myself but stare at it like I want to taste those lips once more.

I look at him with a discontent expression and bit my lower lip. It seems he got what I wanted to imply and leans closer brushing the tip of our nose. But then I looked away making him furrow his eyebrow.

"Well~ we rushed things from the start." I managed to utter inaudible words and he laughed and scratch his head, cheeks tainted red.

I felt myself blush too. "It's true that we rushed things." He said with a bashful voice.

"And acted by impulse and that was my fault." I admitted. He stayed silent and I heard a deep sigh.

"But we can start over again." Shouyo pulled me up and hug me tight. He cradles me in his lap and gaves me a promising smile as he wrap his hand in mine. They were just a perfect fit. He rest his chin in my head. I can smell the scent of shampoo in his fluffy orange hair that reminds me of the sun.

"Why are you so bright?" I muttered. Good thing its not that loud making him not to hear what I've said.

I said nothing and he reach out to pull my head up to meet his eyes that sparkles like the stars. Leaning over, his lips touched mine and after few seconds I felt his tongue ask for permission to enter. My breathing becomes heavy as I let him make his way.

I can taste the soda he drank as my tongue lingers through the walls of his mouth. Our tongues sparred like swords for minutes before he pulls back. I gave him an uncontented look and pouted. He chuckled and pressed his lips once more, gentler than before.

"I love you Shouyo." I whispered between kisses. He chuckled and gives me pecks in my cheeks and nose.

"I love you more." He replied.

Truth Or Dare (Haikyu Version) KenHinaWhere stories live. Discover now