Part 4

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Narrator's POV

The next morning Ava woke up to an empty bed and immediately all of her thoughts started raging, started thinking about why she would leave. She started to panic, started to hyperventilate,  started to shake in the bed because she was afraid to be alone. When Sara walked in the room from getting a cup of coffee she saw Ava rocking back and forth and saw the panic in her eyes. Sara dropped her cup of coffee as it shattered on the floor, she rushed to her aid and whispered sweet nothings into her ear.

"It's ok I'm here your ok there's nothing to worry about," Whispered Sara. 

Ava started to slowly calm down and slowly come back to the world, and when she did Sara was right by her side rubbing circles on her back. When Ava finally could speak she asked, "Where did you go I thought you left. I thought you just used me for my body, I thought you only wanted me for sex."

"No, no, no I would never do that to such a beautiful woman, to such a smart woman. I would be the biggest ass if I did that. I just went to get a cup of coffee, but now it's spilled all over the floor," replied Sara

That last little bit made Ava laugh, and she felt relieved that Sara would never leave her there, Ava felt safe and like she belonged. Throughout the day Ava and Sara spent every waking moment together, they just took the day to learn more about each other, they wanted to feel closer on a deeper level. 

Ava's POV

I couldn't have asked for a better day, I'm with the person I care about and the person who cares about me. Yes, I had a little freakout today but having Sara by my side made everything ten times easier I thought. 

"Are you hungry? Cause I'm hungry and I want food. What about you?" I ask.

"I could go for a meal, what are you in the mood for?" replied Sara.

"I don't know, maybe a good bacon burger."

"I can do that. Gideon, please make me and Director Sharpe a bacon burger."

"Right away Captain Lance," replied Gideon.

With that, we ate our food and had a nice meal together. 

Sara's POV

We were enjoying our burgers and just talking. And looking at her at this moment no suit no makeup, just Ava being Ava she is beautiful and wonderful, I don't know how I didn't notice this earlier. There's no pressure for her to act in any way, she feels open with me and feels welcome with me. There is no place that I'd rather be if Ava isn't by my side then why be there at all.

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