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It was now time for Jackson and Yugyeom to start working. Jackson already arrived 10 minutes ago but there was still no sign of Yugyeom, a very punctual person.

"He has exactly 10 seconds left to arrive." Jinyoung reminded the other 4 people in the Room. "If he comes late he has to buy all of us something to drink" Mark said. Yugyeom never came late and he proudly stated that he will buy everyone a soft drink if he will ever come late.

"7...6...5...4..." Jinyoung started to count and Mark silently prayed for Yugyeom to come late, he seriously wanted that damn free drink. There was a big tension between the 5 employees and the time. While Jinyoung was counting Youngjae started to sing Katy Perry's song 'I kissed a girl' to ease of the tension.

"3...2...", "The taste of-" suddenly the door was kicked open and a tall mushroom head came in and said, "Iridocyclitis." Everyone was shocked about the sudden arrival of a certain Kim Yugyeom.

"Fuck!" Mark screamed meanwhile Bambam brofisted Yugyeom and proudly screamed, "that's my bestie! Yugbam!" Yugyeom jumped in and agreed by saying, "Yugbam!" with Bambam.

"Vine is dead." Jinyoung said only to be rewarded with an attempted glare. He glared back and the younger boys immediately took their eyes of him. Jinyoung sighed and walked towards Jackson.

"Since everybody is here now let's start working." Jackson said and walked with Jinyoung to the main salon. Yugyeom and bambam stood at the reception in case a customer comes in. Mark and Youngjae split up to clean the shop a bit. Meanwhile Jinyoung arranged the styling equipment Jackson sat on one of the chair looking at... the hairdryer.

"Long time no see." Jackson started but he didn't get an answer. "You know, you've been really quite these past few days..." he continued. Still no answer. "What's wrong with you? I know that we haven't been on good terms but I'm here to change that." Jackson looked at the hairdryer and expected an answer this time. It felt like an old movie with black & white screen and bad quality. Then Jackson noticed something and got out of his act. "Oh, you're not plugged in yet." After he plugged the hairdryer he went back to his act. "Like i said, i don't wanna pick fights with you anymore." But all Jackson got was "...". "You are still not responding." Jackson acted as if he was annoyed and frowned at the hairdryer. "Ok look, I'm giving you one last chance. Do you want to be friends with me?" He asked. Now Jackson was pissed. "Ok, i see..." And so another fight arose.

Jinyoung on the other side wondered with who Jackson was talking so loudly with. As he took a glance a sudden shiver went down his spine. The hairdryer which was in Jinyoung's own room just one hour ago was plugged in in the main salon and had an argument with Jackson. Like always it was just Jackson shouting. He was utterly shocked. Without thinking twice he ran pass Youngjae who entered the main salon just to look what everyone was doing and ran towards Mark. "MARK!" The black haired screamed and jumped on him. Mark was quick to catch the boy and now had a scared Jinyoung clinging on his back. The older sighed and tried to calm Jinyoung down. How the f*ck did the hairdryer get into the main salon? Was the question Jinyoung had in mind.

At the reception Yugyeon and Bambam were laughing at some vines they watched. "Hey guys." Youngjae said and walked towards them. "Sup Youngboi." Bambam responded and was still looking at Yugyeom's Phone. "I told you not to call me that." The strawberry blonde boy said annoyed. "Anyways, did one of you use the hairdryer?" He asked the youngers. They answered by saying that Mark plugged it in the main salon in case a customer comes in and he has to use it. "Ah, i see. Thank you guys and stop watching vines or else i will tell Jaebum." Bambam groaned and Yugyeom put his phone away. With that Youngjae walked towards Jackson.

"Jackson, help Jinyoung with arranging the equipment and stop talking to that stupid hairdryer!" Youngjae slapped Jackson on his head and Jackson squealed like a pig. "Man, that hurted!", "Then help Jinyoung." After that Youngjae unplugged the hairdryer and took with him to Mark's room. When he arrived he saw Jinyoung clinging to Mark.

"You don't understand it! The hairdryer is haunted! Can we please throw it away?" Jinyoung whined. "It isn't haunted, Mark just moved it there in case a customer comes even though there are some other hairdryers already plugged in." Youngjae interrupted and 2 pairs of eyes were in him. "Actually, i brought it there in case i have to use it against Bambam since i'm not allowed to throw around and devices." Mark corrected Youngjae. The boy just rolled his eyes. "Anyways Jinyoung don't disturb Mark when he's working and arrange the equipment with Jackson. Now!" Jinyoung was scared by Youngjae and quickly went to help Jackson. "And this hairdryer will stay here and nowhere else." Youngjae sternly said and threw the haidryer at Mark who caught it just in time and left to continue his work.

Yet again at the reception Yugyeom had some problems tying his shoes while Bambam just laughed instead of helping him. You see, they simply aren't good in helping others. Suddenly an unfamiliar voice interrupted the little scene. The boys looked at the person who spoke to them. It was a short boy with grey hair and a mullet. Bambam was quick to react and asked the customer in a friendly way what he wanted. "I want to cut my mullet and die my hair black. If it is possible, could you do it now?" The boy asked. "That's a great decision, I mean, have you seen your mullet? I'm not a fan of mullets in generel but let me tell you that my boss also cut his mullet and dyed his hair from blue back to black. And-" before he could finish his sentence got cut off by Yugyeom's hand and Jinyoung saying, "what shit are you talking again bambam, mullets are darn beautiful." Then he turned to the customer and told him to take a seat in the main salon and that someone will come to him in a second. That someone turned out to be Mark who didn't want to do it but had to.

"Hi, my name is Mark." He introduced himself. "Hi, i'm Taeyong." The customer said. Then Mark started to cut the mullet. After a while he had to ask a question for satisfactory reasons. "Do you want your to be a bit more brownish black or a bluish one? Or should it just be plain black?", "Plain black is what i wanted." Taeyong answered and Mark started to work again. After an hour without disturbance Taeyong was free to go.

"Thank you so much! I really like how friendly you guys are and it's so comfortable talking to you guys. I'll make sure to come back soon and i may bring my friends Taeil and Yuta with me. Bye!" Taeyong said and walked out with a happy smile on his face. The six guys all stood there and watched him walk out. Once they couldn't see him anymore the peaceful atmosphere vanished and the guys went back to being loud like they usually are. And these were the first few hours with only one customer and hopefully other customers will appear soon.


So this is the second chapter and it's actually dedicated to NakajimaAtsushi2000 . That person made me continue this chapter and publish it. But i won't continue this and leave it like this. Maybe a third chapter will come out but the chance that I'll actually do it is low. Like really low. Anyways, i hope that you'll have a great day and enjoy it as much as possible.

PS.: i'm sorry that the last part was so rushed

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