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Percy turned to look at what was once his home. The place he could go to rest and hide from monsters. Camp Half-Blood was all of that and more for nearly six years of his life. Now it meant nothing to him. He truly never wanted to see it again, see HER again. As he turned his back on his former home, he missed the few campers who still cared for him yelling and cursing the people who had finally pushed him away. And he just disappeared.

Little did he know, the gods were informed almost immediately and his father sought him as soon as the Council meeting had adjourned. Poseidon and Hestia stood before him. Neither of them looked too happy with what they had to tell him. Moments later, he stood sobbing, his father clutching him to his chest. He'd been gone for nearly a year and had not seen his mother in that time frame. To find out she had died only the previous day left him more empty and broken than what he just went through.

Hestia immediately asked, "Percy, I know it is rather soon, but would you be opposed to me filling in for your mother? I would never claim to take her place in your heart, but I cannot bear to see you so distraught. You are partially immortal, so I could see you and be whatever you need–" she stopped as he hugged the tiny eight year old goddess. She quickly grew in his arms to be roughly late twenties and held him back.

"Yes. Please yes."

"Son, I will always be there for you whenever you need it. Take some time. Go see the world. I will not tell the Council of your whereabouts," Poseidon said softly.

Percy nodded, feeling a warmth flow through him as Hestia claimed him as her own. His SPQR tattoo shimmered, a small fire appearing behind the trident that claimed him as his father's son. A smile graced his features and he hugged them both before continuing on his journey that his father recommended.

Maybe he'd go to Europe again, actually stop and see the sights. Monsters did little to scare him. A pack appeared beside him with a little note: 'Percy, this is to get you started on your next adventure. Inside you can find a tent and other necessities. My blessing will allow you to summon food so you have no need to worry about such things. Please keep in touch with us, at least your father and I, Love Mom.' Slinging the pack over his shoulder, he set off.

Two weeks later he stood in front of Big Ben in London. "What's a cutey-patooty like you doing in these parts?" a voice beside him asked. Percy turned and for the first time noticed someone other than those he absolutely had to converse with for the past few weeks. She had short dark hair and blue eyes. "Name is Zania. So, what are you doing here?"

"I'm just...sight seeing I guess," he replied.

"You guess? You look like you are trying to either run from something or look for something to belong to."

Percy's eyes narrowed. "I don't know what you are looking for, but you won't find it in me," he snarled. He quickly disappeared into the crowded sidewalk, trying to distance himself from the strange woman.

Behind him, Zania smirked. "I think I've found another one. And this one seems to have a lot of potential. It doesn't hurt that he's cuter than a button." The smirk quickly was replaced with her former demeanor. She was on the hunt now. She saw him, and now she wanted him.

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