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Percy huffed. Zania had indeed taken him back to their current resting place. Her and the other "God Slayers" that is. They hadn't named themselves that. Actually, Zania had been nicknamed God Slayer for some time before she took on an apprentice, the first of the group. Rogue gods were terrified of the group for their ability to hunt them down and kill them off.

But in the time he had been with them, all they did was study up on Mayan gods and train. They hadn't even gotten a single day off. His head was about to explode from several things. For one he was going stir crazy from being cooped up inside. Two, this was the longest he'd stayed in one place in months. Three...there were people here that he HAD to interact with. Something he was very uncomfortable doing.

"Hey, Zaina, your new boy toy is going loco over there, chica. You should probably take your perrito for a walk," the resident jokster, and only Hispanic of the group whispered.

The atmosphere became tense as a dense fog settled inside the room. With a bang, Percy flung the table he was sitting at across the room, everyone ducking for cover. "Fuck this. This is why I hate being around you worthless mortals. You can never hold your tongues when you should."

It was clear he was furious. Tensions had been high since day one because he was the new guy, and all the others thought he would be easy to tease. After the first night, when the same jokster had attempted to filch his bag, Percy had broken every bone in his hand. Since then, he'd made it his duty to piss Percy off as much as possible.

"You always go loco dog. Not my fault you can't hold in your enfado, gringo."

"Keep it up. You might be real good at slight of hand and getting out of bad situations like a Hermes kid, but let me tell you, you can't escape a storm." And with that Percy left, kicking open the door to the studio and quicklu descending the stairs, headed outside for some air.

Zania glared at Rico, the boy that had started the whole insident. "You have no idea what he's capable of. Come back to me when you can fight a god to stalemate, or better yet, win, by yourself. He's done it, several times over."

Rico grimaced. "That's exactly this issue, you treat him better than us, your own created familia."

"I treat him no different. In fact I put more on his shoulders than yours, because I need to someone to shoulder the vanguard position with me. None of you can say you can do the same. And for your information, I consider him part of my family already." She left to chase after Percy.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2020 ⏰

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