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Percy caught the first train out of London. He'd go visit Cambridge before moving on to France and then Spain. As he sat in his seat, his mind wondered back to the woman who questioned him. Who was she? What did she want with him? Could she be like him? How did she seem to see right through him? He wanted answers and yet, he wanted nothing to do with her. She seemed like nothing but trouble and he'd had more than enough of that. He had no intentions of going back to the mythical world.

He still had a few hours left before he would arrive in Cambridge, so he relaxed and settled down for a quick nap. It felt like moments later that hd heard the door to his compartment opening and he snapped up to defend himself. Zania was already seated across from him. He was astounded that not only had he not felt her approach to the train compartment he was in, but she also could move faster than he could track. Even most monsters couldn't even do that, except maybe a Titan and Thorn with his tail spikes.

"Why did you follow me?" he growled.

"You caught my attention. I felt like you'd be an intriguing person, and I wanted you." Percy's eyebrows raised. "Not that way...mostly. No your power intrigued me. I wanted to talk to you in a more private setting. I guess now is as good a time as any."

Percy gritted his teeth. He certainly didn't like being followed, let alone being "wanted" for his power. "Look here lady. I don't know you. And I'm definitely not going to be used for my power or anything else."

"Well, one. I don't think you are in any position to resist. But, to be fair, I will not force you to do anything. The only thing I'm asking of you right now is to hear me out. I have a group of people who...for lack of better terms, kill gods."

Percy's eyes widened. "What do you know and what do you want of me?" he growled.

Her right eyebrow arched. "Look. It's cute that you get all defensive, but if you don't cut it out, I'm definitely going to have to show you your place. Now. I don't know anything about you, other than that you are powerful. You haven't even given me your name," she pouted.


"There, now that wasn't so hard. Okay. For one. We kill gods who are evil, psychotic, trying to destroy the world. That's what we are after. Saving the world, one insane god at a time. Our next target is the Mayan gods. They will bring about the end of the world if we don't step up and destroy them."

Percy took a deep breath. "Okay. Then why did you pick me? You keep saying I'm powerful. How would you know?"

"Your aura is one of the most powerful I've ever seen from anyone. None of the others that I've recruited have one this strong."

He sighed. "Yeah. That's because I'm the son of a god."

"You're a god?" she asked.

"No. Son of. I'm a demigod. Half god, half mortal. You think I'm powerful? You remember when Mt. St. Helens blew up?" She nodded her head. "That was me when I was fourteen. I blew up it trying to stop Kronos' scythe from being made.

"And you survived it? Wow, that's impressive"

"I'm fire resistant...to a degree. It hurts, but it takes more than a few globs of lava to kill me. I found that out the hard way. It laid me up for a week though."

"Regardless. That's still an achievement. So...Kronos. Did you stop him?"

"Kronos was stopped, Atlas put back under the sky, Hyperion killed, Iapetus turned to our side, all the Giante killed, and Gaia put back into a permanent sleep. That's what I've been doing since I was twelve. When you talk about evil gods. I know more than most about that idea. But outside the Greek or Roman Pantheon's I only know of the Norse and Egyptian."

Zania looked at him in a new light now. "You are by far stronger than most. Who is your father?"

"Poseidon. And I was adopted by Hestia after my mother died. I have a few of her abilities. None that are good in a fight though. She's a peaceful goddess, and it's meant to help others."

Zania nodded. "Regardless of her abilities. I've never met another demigod before. The others with us are all just humans with extraordinary talent and a bit of boosting from me."

"Another? So you're a demigod too?"

"In a way yes. My father was mortal. But my mother was from a pantheon long forgotten. She was a goddess of blessings and battle. I have the ability to make those around me stronger. While they wouldn't be as strong as myself, I don't know where they would place against you yet."

"Okay. So tell me more about this group then. You hunt down rogue gods and kill them. Is that it?"

"We train. There's gods out there that are older than anything you've probably ever encountered. They predate the gods I'm from and they predate yours. Just one of these gods  could spell calamity for humanity. Therefore, we train...all the time," she said. "And now that I have you here, I'm not likely to let you slip between my fingers."

God EaterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora