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Fangs' POV

"Sweet Pea? Can we please talk for a second?" I asked my best friend and crush nervously. "Sure bud, what's up?" he asked and put his phone away, turning his face to me. We both sat on the couch in our trailer next to each other.

I sighed and looked into his dark brown eyes, the eyes I loved so much because they were full of trust, dedication and love. Sweet Pea might seem aggressive and threatening because he is extremely tall and always has this serious and annoyed look on his face but he's not on the inside. I don't want to deny that he definitely is violent sometimes, and holy fuck that made him so hot, but if you really know him he's not. He's one of the most caring and lovable people I know. He always protects me and supports me no matter what.

Even if he supports me I'm still afraid to come out to him. We never talked about stuff like that, what if he hates gays? What if he kicks me out of his trailer? Where should I stay then? Probably at Toni's but it wouldn't change the fact that he'd hate me and I couldn't cope with that. I need him, I'd do literally everything for him.

"Fangs?" Sweet Pea asked and snapped his fingers in front of my face. Shit, I didn't even realize that I totally zoned out. I blinked a few times, slowly returning back to reality. "Okay what's wrong? You've been kinda weird over the last days, is there anything you need to talk about?" he asked again with a concerned look on his face and I nodded.

"I.. Uhm, this is harder than I thought" I mumbled. "I am... Please just promise me that you won't hate me, Pea" I whispered feeling tears in my eyes. Gosh, why am I so sensitive? Everybody thinks I'm a hard guy but I'm not. If there'd be a guy with a gun pointing at me and my friends, I'd be the first one who'd run away. I'm also always the first one who starts crying, doesn't matter if it's a good or sad reason.

"Fangs I could never hate you, you're my best friend" SP said and smiled a bit. "What's wrong? You know that you can tell me everything" I started smiling, too. He just always made me feel better. I took one last deep breath, looked in his eyes and said "I'm gay"

Sweet Pea chuckled, is he seriously making fun of me? "Fangs, I know. We all know" he continued chuckling. "What?" I asked confused. "Just the way you look at guys, Fangs. You don't really hide it. Toni and I have been already waiting for this moment" he confessed.

"So you're okay with me being gay?" I asked, still a bit confused. "Of course!" Sweet Pea said and pulled me into his strong arms. "How could you even think that I wouldn't be okay with it?" he asked and pulled me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and inhaled his smell. "I don't know" I mumbled and just when I got really comfortable in his arms he pulled away.

"Fangs, there isn't a thing that could make me dislike you, you're like my soul mate, buddy" he said and I smiled softly. Should I tell him that I'm into him? But that could really destroy everything, our whole friendship.

"I need to tell you something, too" he suddenly said. Is this the moment where he confesses his love for me like in these movies? My heart started beating faster and I looked into his eyes. "Yes?" I asked curious. "I think I'm in love with someone" he said smiling and I started smiling, too. Is this really going to happen? "Who?" I asked quietly, hoping that he'd say my name.

"Josie McCoy" he said and my heart dropped.

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