Chapter fifteen

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A/N Thank you so much for almost 3k reads! This is insane <3 (btw sorry for the long break, but I was super busy) 

Sweet Pea's POV

"Fangs are you done?" I yelled through the trailer and Fangs finally appeared out of the bathroom. "Come on, we need to hurry up or you'll be too late" I said and he nodded. Fangs put on his Serpents jacket and grabbed his bagpack. "Do you have your knife?" I asked. "No, I'm not allowed to take it with me in the university" he answered. "But there's a guy with a gun on the loose" I protested. "Yeah but I'm still not allowed to take it with me. Everything will be okay, nothing will happen" Fangs said and looked into my eyes. "I don't feel comfortable with you walking around with no weapon" I said worried. "I know but if there's a guy pointing a gun at me, my knife won't save my life, Pea" he said. "Mh, maybe you're right, but call me immediately when you're in danger, okay?" I asked. "Of course" Fangs said, stood on his toes and kissed me softly. I grabbed his hips and pulled him closer to me, replying the kiss. "I want you to be safe" I whispered. "I know and I love you for that but everything will be fine" he said and I pecked his lips again.

"Good let's go" I said and we both started walking outside. I sat on my motorbike and Fangs behind me, immediately wrapping his arms around my stomach. I smiled and started the machine. This was actually the first time Fangs and I shared one motorbike but I really liked it. Fangs was so close to me and it just felt right. I drove out of Sunnyside Trailer Park and headed to the university. Fangs never left his grip and cuddled his torso on my back.

The drive sadly only took 15 minutes. When we arrived at his university I stopped the machine and put off my helmet. Fangs jumped down of my motorcycle and also put off his helmet. "Thanks for driving me, I think I should let you drive me around more often" he grinned. "Yeah, you cuddling yourself on my back definitely isn't the worst thing ever" I said. "See you later, handsome" Fangs said, stepped a bit closer and kissed me. "Stay safe okay? Have fun in university" I said and he pecked my lips.

I watched Fangs walking into the building and waited until he passed the security controls, then I put on my helmet again and drove to the atelier. Cara was already there and greeted me with a motherly hug.

Today was a busy day at work. I had a few small shooting and I also had to plan the upcoming shooting for Daniel Wellington. I couldn't wait to shoot Fangs in classy outfits, he'll look so good. Sadly I also had to shoot him with a female model but as long as they won't have to kiss it's okay.

I was glad when I finally had my break so I could fetch up Fangs again. We wanted to use the hour and drive to the hospital to see Joaquin. He was doing a lot better and the doctor said that they'll probably release him in around a week.

When we knocked on the door of Joaquin's room, I got a little nervous. I don't even know why, but it was just weird to see your friend hurt like this, especially if you know that the person who did this is still out there and planning on hurting other people. "Yes?" I heard him answer and we walked into the room.

Joaquin's face lit up when he saw us. "If that's not everybody's favourite gay couple" he teased us and I rolled my eyes. "Already getting sassy again, De Santos?" I asked and he smiled still a bit weakly. "Hey man, how are you doing?" Fangs asked and sat on a chair next to the hospital bed. "I'm okay. I'm still in a lot of pain but I'm currently getting pain meds so it's getting better. Have you heard of anything new yet? They don't want to tell me anything about the case" Joaquin said. "No. We still don't know who did this to you. They are investigating but I guess without success. Betty and Jughead and a few other Serpents are trying to find that guy, too." Fangs said and looked a bit sad. "I am so sorry for what happened to you, you don't deserve this" he then said and Joaquin smiled. "It's okay, at least I'm alive and well it has one positive aspect. I'm back with Kevin" he smiled brightly and I had to smile too. "That's good to hear" I said and Fangs cheered. "But anyways, what's going on in your lives? I need gossip" Joaquin asked.

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