Chapter ten

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A/N Enjoy ;) [It's pretty late here and I didn't proof read so sorry if there are any mistakes]

Fang's POV

When my alarm started beeping I groaned and shifted around. Sweet Pea next to me yawned and stretched himself, preparing himself to get up. "No don't, just 5 more minutes okay?" I pleaded, wrapped my arms around his torso and hid my face in the crook of his neck. "No Fangs, we really need to get up now. It takes us around 2 hours to get to the place and we shouldn't be late because I booked something" Sweet Pea said and stroked my black hair. "Mhh fine" I mumbled and looked up into his dark eyes. "Good morning you morning grouch" Sweet Pea smiled and pecked my lips. "Oh says you, you're usually the bigger morning grouch than I am" I said. "Why are you even so awake? We slept like 6 hours" I muttered. "Because I know what I planned and you will love it. And now stand up and take a shower, I'll make us breakfast" he said and I agreed.

When I stood under the shower and enjoyed the heat of the water, I wondered what he planned and where we could possibly go. He said it'll take us around 2 hours to get there but it could be basically everywhere, but 2 hours away from Riverdale actually sounded great, sometimes I just needed a break from this crazy town, especially after the Black Hood shootings.

It didn't take us too long to get ready. After my shower, Sweet Pea took one and I packed our bags on the motorcycles. We both enjoyed our breakfast and I tried to get information about this trip but Sweet pea just didn't say anything.

"Okay I think we have everything. Then I'd say put on your helmet, lock the trailer door and let's drive?" Sweet Pea asked and I nodded. "Okay good let's drive. Just drive next to me or behind me. I'm glad that we have the communication system in our helmets so that we can talk on our way. I'll always tell you when we need to bend or something, okay?" he then asked and we both put on our helmet. "Can you hear me?" I asked to check the system. "Yes, what about you?" he answered. "I can hear you, let's drive" I sad and we both started our bikes.

I liked driving with Sweet Pea. We often didn't say that much and concentrated on driving but sometimes we talked about the view or ugly cars that we passed. I was driving behind or next to him most of the time and like he promised, he always told me when we needed to bend into another street. After almost 2 hours we passed a lot of beaches and suddenly I know where we would stay. I started smiling and looked around.

"Sweet Pea, are we staying somewhere near the beach?!" I excitedly asked. "Maybe" I heard him saying through the headphones in my helmet and I could swear that he was grinning, too. The scenery here was absolutely beautiful and after a few more minutes we drove into a giant driveway of a hotel called The Island View.

We both parked our motorcycles and I walked to Sweet Pea with big eyes. "Oh my god how much money did you spend on this?! I feel so bad, please let me pay for myself" I said and he shook his head. "No, I earn enough money and I also spend a lot for trips like this" he said. "But Sweet Pea" I started. "No, shush now we should check in because we need to be somewhere in about an hour" he said and took my head. I looked up to him and smiled. He "only" took my hand but it made me so happy and I felt butterflies flying around in my stomach. We both walked hand in hand in the hotel and I couldn't stop looking around with big eyes. It was absolutely amazing in here and the hotel had big windows through which I could see the beach and ocean.

"Hello, I booked a hotel room for two. Name's Fogarty" he said when we reached the reception. I tried not to chuckle. Sweet Pea did that a lot, like almost always. He hates his real name and people always look super weird at him if he books stuff on "Sweet Pea" so he always just uses my last name or Topaz. We once thought of changing our last names into Topaz and getting officially adopted by the Topaz family but now I'm glad we didn't do it because it would've made us officially siblings and dating my own brother, doesn't matter if adopted or not, would be kinda weird.

Circles - Sweet Pea x Fangs / SwangsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora