Paper Kisses and Paper Heart

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Author : 83lineforever
Original publish on : asianfanfics| 2017


"He used tongue!!!" Heechul screamed, stunned Leeteuk smiled, laughing. ELF, ofcourse, went crazy, especially when Heechul pretended to auction off the piece of paper they used in the paper game, which now had a wet hole in the middle, thanks to Leeteuk.

Another Super Camp had come to an end in another city. The guys walked backstage. Heechul quickly grabbed Leeteuk's hand and yanked him into the bathroom. Leeteuk didn't protest or ask him what he was doing. Heechul locked the door and passionately kissed Leeteuk, slowly moving his tongue in and out of his mouth. Leeteuk kissed him back as Heechul pressed him against the sink. Heechul broke the kiss and got on his knees. "No, Heechul-ah...not here." Leeteuk protested weakly, his face flushed. Heechul looked up at Leeteuk with his large, feminine eyes and didn't say anything. "Back at the hotel...'"

Leeteuk added, his cheeks tinged with pink. Heechul got up and kissed Leeteuk again, putting his hand inside Leeteuk's pants. "Ugh, Heechul-ah...I haven't been with anyone in so long..." Leeteuk said, his dick twitching at Heechul's touch.

Heechul smiled continuing to kiss Leeteuk. "Shouldn't we...get going? I'm sure they're wondering where we are." Leeteuk said, half-heartedly, not moving from where he was standing. "Let them." Heechul said, smiling widely and mischievously, kissing Leeteuk again. "Back at the hotel." Heechul said, squeezing his member and kissing him again. Leeteuk felt like he was going to explode he was going through so many emotions.

"Where the hell were you guys?" Kyuhyun asked. "Talking." Heechul said, smirking. Leeteuk blushed furiously but didn't say anything. "Uh, okay..." Kangin said, not even wanting to know. They rode back to the hotel in semi-silence, occasionally talking about Super Camp, but mostly glued to their phones or listening to music on their lPods. They got back to the hotel and everyone went into their separate rooms. "Do you guys want to get dinner later?" Ryeowook asked "Maybe." Yesung said.

Leeteuk was already in the room he was sharing with Heechul. He was laying down with the lights off, staring at the ceiling, his heart beating out of his chest. He heard the door open but didn't look over. Heechul closed and locked the door then walked over to the bed, laying down next to Leeteuk.

"Leeteuk, look at me." Heechul said, in a low voice Leeteuk flipped on his side, embarrassed and blushing. Heechul then wrapped his arms around him and started to kiss him, softly at first, but then he started using his tongue, exploring every inch of Leeteuk's mouth. Leeteuk broke the kiss, out of breath.

It was somewhat dark in the room with the lights off but they could still see each other clearly They were looking at each other, breathless,a thousand thoughts running through each others minds. "Lay down." Heechul said softly, almost whispering. Leeteuk's heart was beating so fast he almost couldn't breathe. He laid down on the mattress and Heechul unbuttoned his jeans and removed them He then took his member out of his boxers.

Heechul put just the head in his mouth and started to slowly suck on it. Leeteuk immediately gasped and grabbed the sheets as tightly as he could, turning his knuckles white. "Heechul-ah! It's been so long since anyone's done this..." Leeteuk said, trying to control his emotions. Heechul grabbed Leeteuk's hands and held them while continuing to suck on just the head He then licked on the sensitive underside of Leeteuk's member and Leeteuk sharply drew his breath in, squeezing Heechul's hands tightly. He could feel tears forming in his eyes. He had never felt this way before "Heechul-ah...what does this mean?" Leeteuk whispered desperately, not able to hold his tears back any longer, as they streamed down his face.

Heechul temporarily stopped and came up Leeteuk's body so that they were face to face. "What does this- -" Leeteuk motioned towards the lower half of his body "mean?" He asked again. Heechul smiled gently. The tears continued to stream down Leeteuk's face.

"Teukie." Heechul said. "Do you know that I've had feelings for you since before Super Junior?" Heechul asked, kissing Leeteuk's tears away. That was it Leeteuk started crying. He had loved Heechul this whole time, never daring to hope that Heechul even almost felt the same way. Sure, they would flirt with each other, they were kind of touchy feely, they were the best of friends - but feelings? Love? Leeteuk wouldn't even allow himself to entertain the thought. "I" Leeteuk started, sobbing. "Ssshhh. I know."

Heechul whispered, holding Leeteuk's face in his hands, gently wiping his tears away. Leeteuk exhaled sharply. Heechul pressed his forehead against Leeteuk's. "Thank you for kissing me like that today. I don't think any of this would have happened if not for that. We've messed around over the vears but never anything like that." Heechul whispered, kissing Leeteuk.

"I don't think we would have ever admitted how we've felt about each other this whole time." Heechul said softly, kissing Leeteuk's neck. "I just never knew you felt the same way." Leeteuk said as Heechul kissed him all over his neck. Heechul looked Leeteuk in the eyes and leaned forward, touching their noses together, then kissed him.

Heechul removed Leeteuk's shirt, kissing all the way down his chest and licking and kissing his abs. He looked back up at Leeteuk and smiled then rubbed his member until he was hard again and very slowly took him all the way down to the base.

"Heechul-ah!" Leeteuk gasped, his eyes wide, his heart pounding Heechul then started to bob his head up and down very quickly, taking him in as far as he could go. "Heechul-ah, I can' feels so good...shit!" Leeteuk exclaimed, squeezing his eyes shut as tightly as he could. Heechul grabbed his hands again and Leeteuk dug his nails into his hand. "'s so good...I just can't." Leeteuk panted, shaking. He had never felt anything like this before. Heechul took him all the way down his throat and tapped Leeteuk's hand. Leeteuk took that as permission and started thrusting his member down Heechul's throat.

"Heechul." Leeteuk said between gasps and moans. "I don't want to gag you." Leeteuk said, starting to see white stars behind his eyes. Heechul slowly rubbed his hand. Leeteuk took that to mean that he was okay and thrusted even more down Heechul's throat. "Heechul! l'm going to come." Leeteuk whimpered, feeling tears coming to his eyes again. But this time it was because of how good he felt. Heechul gently rubbed Leeteuk's hands as he shot himself down Heechul's throat. Heechul licked up every drop of cum then came up to face Leeteuk, out of breath.

Tears were rolling down Leeteuk's face again. He was so happy, so grateful. Every part of his body was tingling. He had never felt this good. "Heechul-ah That felt so good." Leeteuk said, his heart pounding out of control.

"All this from a paper kiss." Heechul said, smiling, with a bit of a smirk. "My heart's like paper." Leeteuk suddenly said. Heechul looked at him warmly, waiting for him to continue. "It's fragile. It's easily harmed. But you can also express yourself on it." Leeteuk said, smiling at Heechul, finally feeling that his heart had stopped racing.

"You can have my paper heart." Leeteuk whispered to Heechul, feeling happy. "You can have my paper heart too." Heechul said, leaning in closer to his face, looking his best friend in the eyes.

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