
476 3 0

Author : verility
Original publish on : asianfanfics | 2014

Heechul opened the door of their apartment to see Leeteuk already waiting for him. With a burst of movement punctuated by an excited slam of the door, they came together, hugging as tightly as they could stand.

Heechul whimpered and Leeteuk leaned back enough to start their kisses. Heechul's hands found their way into Leeteuk's hair, threading at first only to grip into the strands as Leeteuk deepened the kiss. Loosening his arms from around Heechul's waist, Leeteuk let his hands feel all over his back, following his slender curves slowly, passionately.  Another whimper escaped Heechul's throat, this time more of a purr.

Setting his hands on Heechul's hips, Leeteuk shoved him back against the wall, pinning him with his own hips. Heechul moaned to feel Leeteuk exploring his neck with his impossibly soft lips. He rolled his body up to meet him, pressing their chests together as his own hands slid down Leeteuk's back, bunching his shirt in needy fists.

Leeteuk moved to help get his shirt off as Heechul tugged it up his back. Heechul slid out of his own shirt, amazed to feel embarrassment at being bare-chested in front of the man that knew his body better than he did. Blush tinted his cheeks as Leeteuk kissed him, holding the side of his face at his jaw, with a warm hand pressed open-palmed against his lower back.

Heechul felt so encompassed by those possessive lips, he left his hands curled against Leeteuk's chest, his whole body at a loss for words. Words were cheap anyway.

Finding himself again, Heechul slid his tongue over Leeteuk's lips, sucking his lower before gently tugging it between his teeth. His hands remembered to move, feeling down Leeteuk's body to the waistband of his pants. Leeteuk tilted his hips toward his touch and Heechul shivered in excitement, pulling his pants open as he deepened their kiss.

Leeteuk pulled their hips together tightly as their tongues met, forcing Heechul's hands around his hips to his butt, where he squeezed, getting a playful murmur from Leeteuk. Heechul tucked his fingers under Leeteuk's clothes to the bare skin of his butt, squeezing again before sliding his pants off.

He moved to lower himself down as he pushed the pants off Leeteuk's thighs, but he wouldn't let him, grabbing his shoulders and nibbling over his collarbone. Tilting his head to the side, Heechul moaned softly as Leeteuk traced a fingertip over his nipple. That same hand felt, fingers first, down his abdomen, past his bellybutton and right over his tight semi-erection, causing him to nearly cry out.

Leeteuk caught his eye, both of them half-lidded and desirous. Kissing Heechul with a possessive passion he'd reserved for this man only, Leeteuk opened his pants, freeing him from them.

Again Leeteuk left Heechul shaking with need and lost against the wall with his kisses; his hands uselessly placed on Leeteuk's shoulders and his knees threatening to buckle. Leeteuk pulled from the kiss, more than a little satisfied to see Heechul's lips reddened and his eyes closed.

Gently, with the ease of old lovers, Leeteuk pulled Heechul away from the wall and scooped him into his arms. Heechul regained his awareness as Leeteuk took them to bed, gently sucking on his shoulder along the way.

He laid Heechul down and slid into bed behind him. Positioning his arm under Heechul's neck, he pet over his chest as he kissed and sucked his neck and shoulder. They stayed on their sides, caressing naked skin as Heechul relaxed into a half turned position, comfortable enough to kiss Leeteuk from his position behind him.

Leeteuk slid a bottle of lube from under the pillow and prepared both of them. He gently pressed himself inside, letting Heechul adjust from their long absence from the bedroom. Leeteuk slid his hand up Heechul's abdomen once he was in fully. He held the side of Heechul's neck in a gentle hand and kissed him slowly as he started rolling his hips.

Heechul was a mess of emotions feeling Leeteuk after so long, but his lust won him over in the end and he sucked Leeteuk's lips, slowly moving his hips in response. Their lovemaking built slowly, Leeteuk refusing to push Heechul too hard in this their first time in a long time.

Heechul broke the kisses to bury his face in the pillows, gripping the sheets too tightly as he gave Leeteuk deep moans of pleasure. Leeteuk moved his arm, collecting Heechul's against his chest as he held him tightly, his other hand on his hip. Heechul moaned and gasped, tilting and rocking his hips against Leeteuk as he teased his erection toward his spot.

Crying out when Leeteuk finally hit it, Heechul convulsed into shivers in his arms, cumming hard. Leeteuk groaned, following into a slow release of his cum inside Heechul.

Leeteuk rested his cheek against Heechul's, still holding him tightly as they breathed raggedly. Heechul kept his eyes closed, comfortable in the after-haze of his need with Leeteuk pressed tightly against his back and his strong arms wrapped possessively around him.

He never felt as secure anywhere else. Every time he had to be away he couldn't wait to get home to his Leeteuk. Kissing his cheek, Leeteuk moved to slide out and clean them up, Heechul whimpering at the sudden invasion of cold against his back.

He curled up more, grabbing for the blankets lazily. Leeteuk grinned and fell into the same position behind him as he pulled the blankets over them. Heechul's arms pressed against his own chest and Leeteuk's arms tightly around his, breathing in the comfortable smell of his home and his love.

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