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Hey guys, It's me... Here I am with the 1st chapter of my story... ( I know that u guys will be shocked to the core after reading the title of this chapter... But trust me... U will like my story... Keep supporting me... Let's start...

A girl in her mid 20s is seen getting ready in bridal attire, from her face It seems that she is pressurized from someone to get married... But... I also seems like she is doing all this for saving someone's life, respect...
Bride's Attire

Girl ( Sadly thinks,tears formed in her beautiful eyes)= Oh, GOD, y always me? Why u always take my tests? I dnt want to get married

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Girl ( Sadly thinks,tears formed in her beautiful eyes)= Oh, GOD, y always me? Why u always take my tests? I dnt want to get married... But... What can I do? If... If... If I won't marry him he will ruin everyrhing and everybody... A... ( Her chain of thoughts was broken by a person, who entered the room and held her from her shoulders from her back and made her turned towards him/herself, and says in a rude voice making her more scared...
Groom's Attire

Person ( Angrily and rudely shouts, making her more scared and afraid)=

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Person ( Angrily and rudely shouts, making her more scared and afraid)=......................... ( Conversation is muted).

After the person 2 went form there the person 1 goes and lioks towards a frame hangingbon the wall in which It was showing a family photo of......... ( Keep guessing.....). The peraon caresses the frame and tears were non stop flowing down her red cheeks ( Due to excess crying and nervousness). ( She half heartedly goes out and.........). ( 🤔🤔🤔).

... After 30 Minutes ...

Priest ( Pandit Ji)= From now on u both r husband and wife... May GOD keeps u always happy and safe...


Girl screams and wakes up from her sleep...

Girl ( She was sweating badly and was trying to calm down herself, she thinks and she was H*** scared even while thinking about it)= W... What a... A... A weird dre... Dream... Gosh! If If... If one day this dream will come true then... Then what eill hapeen? And... And what will I do? C... Calm down... Ssshhh... Fiuuuuu... ( She starts taking deep breaths and tries to behave normally). ( She hears that someone is calling her, she composes herself and says)= Yes, I'm coming! ( She goes into the washroom to get freshen up).

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