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Ashes (Ashkit)  - Kind, has terrible anger issues. - Genderless, shadowcat.

Cleo (Cleokit) - Shy and imaginative. - Female grey cat, mask with a smiley face that's white, missing right eye.

Palette (Palettekit)  - Bold and strong - Female cat with blond fur around the neck, brown fur other besides tail dipped blond with a blue scarf.

Moon-shadow (Moonkit)  - clever, sneaky, shy -unusually small, a boy, half blind, all white with a black tail, is the youngest of his litter, as he was born a moon after the other three siblings.

Stream-cloud (Streamkit & Stream)  - Happy, always tries to be positive, innocent. - Female light gray cat.

Sun-shadow (Sunkit)- energetic, oldest of her litter, half blind, sharp eyesight, kind, fast learner. - She has orange, red, and yellow fur.

Blazetail (Blazekit)  -bossy, mean, middle-aged in the litter. . He thinks everyone wants to date him but Ashkit, And he likes Ashkit, and wants to prove himself loyal. - Orange and a tom

Leaf-shadow (Leafkit) - Kind, gets what needs done, done, helps hurt cats, has a crush on Streamkit, going blind in left eye - a white cat with a black spot on left eye, paws, ears, and tail.

Heather-paw - Calm but controlling also with anger issues - Bronze tabby with scars from fights he has been in.

Snowpaw (Snowkit)  - Calm, shy, kind. - Solid white with sky blue eyes, blind. 



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