Chapter 4

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Dedication to Jess because I love all of her stories and she's an amazing writer and she's really nice ok(:

Beth's Pov


"Niall! Can we please take a break? My feet are killing me and I am sick of holding 7 shopping bags!" I groan

"You wouldn't let me carry them for you! and yeah of course we can take a break! Lets go get some ice cream in the food court!" He says while licking his lips and dragging me along.

It has been a pretty, sunny and relaxing day with my best friend. We went to topshop, H&M and a lot of smaller and less well known stores. It was a lot of fun and really got my mind off of him.

"Beth do you want chocolate, vanilla, or the usual?" Niall asks while raising his eyebrow at me.

"Do you even have to ask? The usual." I say laughing at his raised eyebrow.

"Yes, excuse me miss can we have two Banana Splits and a milkshake?" Niall asks the attractive waitress.

"Oh. My. God. YOU'RE NIALL HORAN! I LOVE YOU!" The waitress squeals while pulling down her dress.

I chuckle and Niall looks at me weirdly.

"Umm. Would you l-like a picture? Niall stutters. For some reason he seems really nervous.

"Yes of course!" The waitress pulls out her IPhone and asks "Niall, can you kiss me on the cheek for the picture?" The waitress who's name tag reads Holly says.

"Sure" Niall mumbles while getting ready for the picture.

He leans over to kiss her cheek and she whips her head so they're kissing on the lips. It was so awkward. Niall's face was bright red and he pulled away quickly.

Holly thanks him while winking and goes and gets our ice cream.

"Beth I am so sorry about that!" Niall says while his face turns an even brighter shade of red. I didn't know that was possible. I mentally laugh and applaud myself for being so funny. Okay or should i say punny! Like pun. Okay never mind. It won't happen again. Just kidding get used to my weirdness.

"Niall you have nothing to worry about! It's not like we're dating or anything! Calm down Nialler!" I say while laughing really hard.

"Oh right ,sorry it was just umm awkward." He says while stuttering. He has this look of embarrassment filled with sadness.

I smile at him and Holly brings our food, she smiles at him and hands him her phone number. I laugh out loud, they both look at me funny. I look down at my Banana split and dig in while I can feel Niall's stare on me.

After we finished our ice cream, we decide to head home. We start walking across the mall.


Niall's Pov


We are currently walking over to the car. I made such a fool out of my self at the Ice Cream place. Let's not speak of this. Ok?

We are chatting about random things and such when Beth bumps into a guy around our age maybe a year older, spilling his coffee all over the floor.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry!" Beth exclaims. She looks so worried. It's actually really adorable. Oh Niall, you need to stop this. I mentally slap myself and look up at this guy.

"No harm done right?" The guy says.

"None! But I spilled your coffee! I am so sorry, I feel so horrible." Beth says.

"It's fine, by the way I am Ryan." He holds out his hand for her to shake. I don't like where this is going...

"Hi! I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Beth." She says while blushing and shaking his hand.

"Well I better get going, got to get myself another coffee. Sorry I don't mean to disrupt your date." He says while looking at me. Beth starts laughing really hard.

"This is not my date, this is my best friend Niall!" Beth says too hapily. If only this was a date, if only i hadn't just been friendzoned if only I could show her how truly jealous I am of this guy. Ryan has brown short hair and tanned skin. Ugh why am I so white. NIALL STOP INSULTING YOURSELF. YOU ARE IN A BOYBAND HE IS NOT SO HA. Okay I really need to stop talking to myself.

"Oh well maybe we could get coffee sometime?" Ryan ask Beth. My Bethy. Okay maybe not my Beth.

" I would love that!" She smiles at him. That smile should be meant for me not him.

They exchange phone numbers and say goodbye.

"Can we go now Beth!?" I say angrily at Beth.

"Geez Niall calm down that was only like what 10 minutes?" She says.

"Sorry, but I have an interview tomorrow, I am tired so if you're done flirting can we go?" She looks at me her eyes filled with anger.

"Excuse me?"

"Beth you heard me. If you want to go snog with him, just leave!" What is up with me? Why am I being this mean? Is this how far jealousy goes? I am so confused.

"Fine Niall if thats what you want." She growls at me before catching up with Ryan.

What did you just do? Why didn't I just go run to her and apologize? Why am I so mean? Why do I say thing I don't mean? What if we never talk again? Ugh I hate myself right now. I start walking to the car. Ugh why did I say that?! I just realized something. She didn't get upset or say anything when the waitress was flirting with me. But I go insane and get angry at her when a guy flirts with her?! What the Fuck is wrong with me?!

25 minutes later

"BOYS! Can I talk to you!" I yell through the seemingly quiet house. It's 6:00 they should all be back home now. They all run down the stairs.

"Niall whats up?" They all shout!

"I screwed up. Big time" I sigh,

I told them about today. I didn't tell them that I had a crush on her. I just told them about Ryan.

"That was pretty harsh Niall, you owe her a pretty big apology" Liam sighs. The other boys agree.

Why does this have to be so complicated?!






Author's Note! EEEEP I didn't like this chapter! Anyways...THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING!

I am at 84 reads! WOOOO! Some people might be like "Eww that sucks lyke totes YOLO FOR LYFE" That was a snobby girl impression. Don't get me wrong i say YOLO... What? Who said that? ladfhsgljshf just ignore me ok. BUT THANKS TO 84 OF YOU I LOVE YOU ALL!<3

I have a lot planned for this story so I hope you continue on reading and giving me feedback! I absolutely love feedback! <3 OH! If you have any ideas or suggestions too! That would be helpful!


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