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Hello, I would like to take a moment of your time before you engross yourself in my writing, to say a few things.

For starters, this story wouldn't actually be here if it weren't for someone close to me. She said that it would be a good story and she had enjoyed it herself when I explained my thoughts upon it. 

I am very thankful to her for allowing me to use her as an aid, though that has to be discussed with her. So, as a forewarning, there may be spontaneous updates, there may be various changes. But I believe that it will make the story all the more better in the end.

Another thing I'd like to add, I am very grateful to all of you. I don't know if I'd ever believe myself to be a writer, even if they are just measly short stories, It makes me glad to be able to pursue what I enjoy, and to hopefully inspire, and to alleviate others worries when they read one of my works. Although, I am a student. I have higher priorities than writing and updating on a regular basis at the moment, and I hope you all can understand. 

And before I take my leave, and allow you to see the work that I feel will really get somewhere, I'd just like to say one more thing.

Thank you

For taking the time to read this, and to put up with me. I hope I can provide you all in the quality content you deserve. 

Until the next time;


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