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Darkness takes hold of my room, enclosing the bright color in its shaded prison. The quiet hum of the fan in the corner  proceeds to keep my mind at ease from this.. sensation. A watchful feeling encases my body as if something was standing there. In my room, with me, just watching me. A sense of full on distress courses through my veins as the being feels closer. I can feel the eyes burning holes throughout my entire being. The rising and falling of my chest, the steady sounds of breathing, they're staring at it so.. contently?

I wake up later that night with a peculiar ringing in my ears. Throat parched and aching, I gradually pull myself from my sheets to get a glass of water. The gaze intensifies with each step I take, and the corners of the room seem to close in around me. Something's in here with me but I can't put a finger on it, it seems familiar in a way, yet at the same time there's this feeling in the air.

This feeling has a type of bubbling.. excitement? 

There's a shuffle of some sort in the corner to my right, just above my desk. I hear the sound of a light thud followed by what seemed to a whimper? I turn to look at it and all sounds disperse. I've never been more interested in something as much as this. Fear? No, I don't fear whatever it may be, in fact this is like the beginning of an adventure tale I read a few years ago. A Princess was in her chambers when she came across a water spirit looking for its stream, only to find that the stream had been closed off from everything due to it being so close to the borders of a neighboring kingdom that had been at war.

If my life was going through the sorts of that, I swear, to which ever celestial being watching over me this night. I will literally lose my shit.

The sounds of shuffling start up once again pulling my thoughts from the vast memories I had of dreaming of the adventure she and the spirit had. Staring over in the corner I see what seems to be a pair of eyes? Their crystalline orbs coated in what seemed to be a sugary sweet concoction of both mischief and pure excitement.

I can't tell you what happened after that. In fact, I don't think I was even there. Something within me changed that night. It felt as if something within me needed change that night. Such a change that my voice sprang out of me. Not in a shrill, or a scream, but rather.. a sound of such delight.

I hummed, a simple notion of pure acknowledgement towards the being staring me down in the corner. Despite my ragged hair and ruffled night gown, it seemed to be particularly interested with the look in my eyes. After deeming that my body was moving on it's own, my mind went blank as I outstretched my hand.

"Welcome home Dear aunt Sonia, it truly has been a pleasure of mine to greet you."

I would like to address that I am truly sorry that my chapters are short. Though, please expect that I am putting my all into creating a wonderful novel of some sort.

Thank you all for taking time to read this

- Wynter

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2019 ⏰

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