Chapter 2 - Flashback ...

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Maya's P.O.V 

As we got close to my house, I got more and more nervous. Finally the 5 minute drive that felt like hours is over. We entered my house to find both families there. My mom, dad, and brother along with Elli’s mom, dad and brother.

“What’s going on ...?” I was almost too scared to ask

“Well sweetie you know we haven't really been fair to you these past few years and Elli I know you'll be sad but we've decided to let you and your brother spend the whole summer back home starting next week. You'll come back the 2 days before school starts so you can do any last minute shopping you haven’t done and so that way you and Elli can have the last day of summer together. " Said Elli's mom

I stood there , shocked almost speechless .  Elli looked like he was ready to punch a wall ... which is weird , why would he be upset .. Anyway I’ll ask him later !


" YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY !! I GET TO SEE ROSE AND HAKEEM ( Olivia's younger siblings / Maya and Xavier's cousins ) " Xavier exclaimed

" Woa , woa woa slow down. Yes you can plain all that and I trust you'll be responsible with it all and spend enough time with your grandmother and not just with your cousins. No sleeping at friend’s house though , that is the only rule and curfew is by 2am so don't stay too late at parties. Your brother's curfew is 10pm so make sure he is home and asleep by 10:15 the latest and you have to call twice a week " my mom and dad said 

" Ok I promise " I turned to Elli " are you going to say anything , you've been standing there looking about ready to punch a wall , we have to get a whole summer's worth of fun done in a week and you look like you could just walk away and not even care that I left " I said it . I had to , he was pissing me off . He’s the one who wanted me to be happy right ? He should be helping me pack and already pulling me out the door to start our week off . Why is he acting so weird . I just marched up to my room and started packing leaving some clothes for the week . I didn't need anyone ruining my mood.

Elliot's P.O.V

All I heard was your spending the summer at home . Then I tuned everything out . How could they do this to me , don't they know that I need my babe. What am I supposed to do all summer , what if something happens to her and I’m not there to protect her . I got so angry ! I didn't want her to leave me , she's my best friend and I don't know what I would do without her. My whole world is complete when she is around. When I lived back in Florida I didn’t have much friends ... I actually didn’t have any friends. I was the outcast for 14 years. Sure I hung out with a few people here and there but never really found someone to like what I like or to be interested in in my interests . Then I found out we were moving. I was happy but pissed off at the same time. I missed school for 2 days to see how Cali was .

* flashback *

We were at Wal-Mart and I swear I met the love of my life. she was in the music section jamming out to JB , CB , Big Sean and Tyga . she was in sweats and a tank top but god she looked beautiful . She looked up and saw me and blushed. I swear I melted into a million pieces . she opened her mouth closed it then opened it again ...

" sorry " the unknown beauty said . why would she apologize , she did nothing wrong . she sang bits and pieces to some of my favorite songs with the voice of an angel and she apologizes ?? Damn it ! she's walking away , I need her name !

" wait ! " oops. I didn’t want to sound stalkerish. " err , I mean ... no need to apologize ... err I err love those songs .... " I was so nervous

" err , umm k ? " she said then started walking away . I caught up with her , 

" so what’s your name ? " wtf ! Why am I being so awkward

" err , I don't know you so why do you want to know ... " ummm was all I could say " shit ! that was rude oops. sorry for swearing , my name is Maya but err umm I really have to go , my parents are going to be looking for me . nice to meet you err .... ? "

" Elliot " I said 

" Right , welp ... byerrr Elliot and by the way .... ummm you’re like umm really hot ... see yah ! " With that she winked and walked off , 

* end of flashback *

I was lost for words that day ... and the rest of our time in Cali all I could think about was will I ever see her again and now look how far we've come . of course I don't see her that way anymore because she's my best friend but at the beginning of our friendship ... man I wanted her to be mine and only mine. I quickly ran upstairs after realizing what happened. I walked into May's room to find her curled up on her bed holding Aero , her beloved teddy bear who she has had since she was 10.

" Babe , look I’m so sorry , I was just shocked . you know I’m nothing without you and now I have to spend a whole summer alone without the greatest person in the world ! how am I to survive ? " I apologized

Maya's P.O.V

I stopped packing and curled up on my bed holding Aero . I was tired and all I wanted to was be cuddled up in Elli’s arms so I could go to sleep. He came in and apologized . I believed him of course because he never lies to me. 

" Ok , I'm sorry too I over reacted . Now get in this bed and hold me because I'm tired and I want to go to sleep "

" Anything for you baby cakes " He said.

" Elli ? "

" Yea? "

" Remember the very first time we met ? "

"How could I forget , you automatically stole my heart , I couldn't stop thinking about you for months! You were the love of my life .... " he said . saying the last part softly

" Ha " I chuckled lightly , " & you were the hottest boy I had ever seen in my entire life ... well a regular person anyway, because no offence babe you still don't compare to JB, CB, Big Sean, and Tyga " I said laughing .

" HEY ! " he pouted and lightly tickled me

" My opinion still stands hottie " I winked 

" Mhm ... " He groaned , " If you're going to be laying in my arms while wearing short shorts and a tank top then you can't be talking like that and expect me not to do anything " he joked , I love how we can talk lustfully and know that we're only joking and it doesn't mean a thing 

" Well maybe I want you to do something " I said while grinding back closer to him. he turned me around and pulled me even closer, if that was possible . Looked me dead in the eye forehead to forehead , nose to nose , our mouths only centimeters away. He brushed some hair out my face and blew on my lips .... then

* omg, did he really just do that *

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