Chapter 15 - James, Alex and Fights ...

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Maya's P.O.V

I woke up around 12 since I went to bed around 4 in the morning. I was dreading getting up. It was extremely hot & that's saying something since I was in a half top body shirt & booty shorts.

"Skye!? Jesse!? Why is it so hot in this house!? I yelled walking to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed up. I got out & put on a green half top body shirt with army shorts. I felt in the camo mood this morning or should I say afternoon. I walked downstairs and headed to the kitchen. I found Skye sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal. She was wearing booty shorts and a tee.

"Is there a reason it’s like 50 thousand degrees in this house?" I asked her getting some water. I needed to stay hydrated.

"The AC is all out of that cool freeze liquid crap so Jesse went to buy some. He left about 10mins ago so he should be on his way back,"

"Thank the heavens. I'm dying!"

"May, you just woke up & when you were sleeping you were buried under the covers," she said rolling her eyes.

"Hey! Don't roll your eyes at me. I can't sleep without covers and plus since we went to sleep with nice cool AC."

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes again and went back to her cereal.

*beep beep*

"YAY! Jesse's back!" I ran out the door & jumped into my cousins arms. "Jesse it’s too hot! Fix AC now pwease?" I asked in a baby voice.

"Of course angel," he said putting me down.

I jumped up & down screaming yay.

"Well it’s nice to see you too Maya. It's been a while"

"Yea, I would say it’s been too long. You look good. Last time we saw you, you looked innocent. Now? Your tats and hair color and body figure? You look amazing-er,"

I turned around to find James & Alex standing there with their arms folded across their chest. They looked older & more masculine. I can't deny they looked hot. Not as good as my Elli but still hot.

You just said your Elli...

Shut up conscience!

"Urmm, umm... thank you? Umm you guys look good too. More umm body muscle..."

"James, Alex! Stop checking out my baby sis or I'll have to whoop your asses!"

*beep beep beep*

"HEY CRAZY SEXY WHORES! LOOK WHO'S HERE!" Cynthia yelled pulling into the driveway. James & Alex were still staring at me & I was staring at the ground.

*double whack*

"Keep staring at my wife & I’ll cut both your balls off," Cynthia said as she walked by the boys & slapped the back of their heads. "Whore! You need some clothes on! Pronto!"

I laughed, "One, I have clothes on. Two, its 500 thousand degrees which is too hot for more clothing. 3, YAY YOUR HERE!"

We both laughed & walked inside to Skye while the boys fixed the AC. Soon enough there will be more people here. Our usual group of cousins and a few friends. Maybe I should let Elli come...

*1 hour later*

So everyone is chilling and having a good time. Our usual group is here plus a few others & we've just been catching up. I guess I should tell you about the "new" people. There is Jase. He's James little brother. He's so adorable and he hates it when I tell him he's just like his brother. He's Xavier's age & they are like best buds. There is also my teddy bear Harold & his 2 brother Daniel & Arnold. Arnold I claim as my little brother because he is so adorable and we tell each other a lot. He was there through the whole James situation and he stood by me. Daniel is too quiet for me but I still love him. Last but not there is Amber. I don't really like Amber & she really doesn't like me. We used to be cool but she kind of ... I lied she changed a lot. I saw her & it was like ... Woah, Ambs?

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