Chpater 5 - Sibling romance ?

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May's P.O.V

I woke up before Elli to make him some breakfast. Well I thought I woke up before him.

"Elli!? Elli, where are you!?"

I went to the bathroom in my room, he wasn't there. I checked the guest room because knowing him, he wouldn't want me to be sick as well so, he probably got up and went to sleep in there after I fell asleep.


I still couldn't find him. I brushed my teeth and went downstairs. All I heard coming from the kitchen was Chris Brown's song "Biggest Fan" and smelled eggs, turkey bacon, and hash browns.

"Morning May!"

I looked up and jumped.

"What the hell Elli!? Didn't you hear me calling you?"

"I did, but I also wanted this to be a surprise, but you insisted on finding me."

"Well last night you were sick so I definitely didn't expect you to be down here this morning making breakfast."

"I wasn't sick, I was catching a cold. But thanks to you, we stopped it before it could take effect."

"What ever! Why are cooking?"

"Since when was it illegal to make my best friend breakfast to show my thanks for being my "mom" while I was sick?"

"Elli you know that's not what I meant. Your such an emotional hooker!"

"That you love anyway" he said sticking his tongue out at me.

"Yea, yea, yea. Shut up and cook! I'm hungry!"

"Really? I thought you were Maya? Well nice to meet you hungry!" He laughed

I threw an apple at his head since we have fruit on the table. Then I got up and pinched him and went to watch tv until breakfast was ready.

"Love you too May!"

Elli'a P.O.V

** 10-15 minutes later **


"It's about damn time!! Bring it in here Phineas and Ferb is on!"

"Maya, you've seen all the episodes already!

"We'll I don't give two flying peanuts! I'm watching this because its my favorite show on Disney!!"

"Let me guess, it's the movie?"

"Yes, now get your arse in here before I throw another apple at your head!

Gosh this girl is so complicated! But reluctantly I got all the food and brought it to the living room.

"Happy now your majesty?"

"Don't get sassy with me boy!"

"What ever, what are we doing today since its our last day together."

"Elli I don't leave until Sunday."

"Yea, but today is Xavier and Delilah's last day at the freshman camp thingy, meaning we are stuck watching the dweebs tomorrow and Friday."

"They're not dweebs, you know you love your mini you. And I love my mini me."

"Yea, yea. What ever. So what are we doing?"

"Ummm, I don't know. Since the camp thingy for freshman is over so most likely Stevie will throw a party."

Almost as if God was listening to us, both our phones rang with text messages on details for a party.

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