let me fix you (Draco Malfoy)

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Year One, Slytherin common room...

I sat down and looked into the fire, taking deep breaths to stop my crying. I missed my brother like mad, bit he was on the other side of England, galavanting across the country with his new wife.

"Oh, look, the Slytherbitch is crying," Pansy Parkinson snorted, a few more first years laughing with her. "What's the matter now? Get in trouble with a professor for not being a kiss-arse for once in your sorry life?"

"Leave me alone, Pansy," I sobbed, trying to push past her and her friends and into my dormatory. "Move," I said sternly as she pushed me backwards.

She sent a kick to my knee and then my stomach as I hit the ground, all of them laughing. "Get up, then. If your family are such great wizards and witches, go on," she hissed.

"Parkinson, what are you doing?" The familiar voice of Draco Malfoy rung out. "Get away from her. Her father could have you kicked from this school with the wave of his hand," he spat at her.

Year Two, Snape's potions class...

"Pour the mix into the cauldron, like so," Snape instructed. "But do be very careful, if it touches your skin it will stain it for months."

Before I knew it, the solution was poured all down the front of my body, the smirking face of Pansy Parkinson in front of me. I grabbed my books and my coat and ran out of the classroom as I sobbed.

Everyday for the past two years she's been doing cruel, spiteful things to me. I didn't even do anything to her! As I cried, a hand grabbed my shoulder, pulling me off the ground.

"Go and change," Malfoy's voice whispered to me. "Meet me back outside your dormatory and we'll go to Dumbledore together. My father will hear about what she's been doing to you."

Year Three, Hagrid's Magical Creatures class...

"Alright, enough chatter! Form a line, come up and pet him. He's alright," Hagrid gestured to the Horse-like creature in front of him. "Don't make too much noise, or move too quickly, it'll attack you if you're not careful."

Everyone went by, and it came my turn to pet it. I extended my hand, and Parkinson let out a sickening squeal, scaring the creature half to death. I flinched, and the creature came crashing down over me, sending me to the ground in a giant thud.

"Y/N!" Blaise and Goyle yelled, Pansy chuckling to her friends in the background.

Hagrid directed the beast away from me and towards Harry, who had already pet it. He ran back to me and helped me off the ground. "Y/N, dear, are ye alright? Yeah gave us a bit o' a scare, love?"

"I'm fine, thank you, Hagrid. May I be dismissed?" I asked him politely, on the verge of tears.

"Yeh, love," he nodded, Hermione handing me my bags as I took off.

"What the bloody hell did you scream for?!" I heard Malfoy shouting at Pansy.

"I thought there was a spider on my hand," she shrugged.

Malfoy snarled at her, mumbling about his father hearing about this, and then he asked Hagrid to leave also.

"Make sure Y/N is alright, will ye?" Hagrid asked him kindly.

"That's the plan," he mumbled back, only Hagrid and I hearing him as he jogged to catch-up with me.

Year Four, the Triwizard Cup...

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