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One day after school, two of my friends and I are walking home from school together, but then my one friend suddenly starts walking in the other direction.
"(Name), where are you going?" Friend #1 asked.
"I'm going to (Name)'s house." Friend #2 responded.
"But you said you would walk home with me and (My name)!"
"Yeah bitch! What's so special about (Name) that gives you the need to do that shit to us?" I asked.
"Oh I don't know... Maybe the fact that I'm a better friend to her than either of you will ever be." Some other bitch said.
"You literally never hang out with her though!" Friend #1 argued.
"Yes I do actually, but of course you wouldn't know that because you're too busy with that crazy eyed bitch all the time!"
"The only bitch here is you, bitch!" I argued.
"Let's just go (My name)." Friend #1 demanded as we start walking in the other direction.

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