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While on my way home from school for the next 2 weeks, a car drives by with a really familiar person inside. That was when I realized it was Adam Gontier, or whatever the fuck, so like a jackass, I start running after him.
Soon, he finally stops his car.
"Why are you chasing me you creep?"
"Well you don't have to be such a dickhead about it! I was just saying hi."
"It's cool that you just wanna say hi, but don't do it like that!"
But then the rest of the class comes outside.
"Are you getting a ride home from daddy?" Dick laughs.
"Nope. How can it be my dad if it's not even a dude?" I responded.
"Why are you little ass kids even skipping class to begin with?"
"Adam, don't act like you haven't skipped before you twat!"
"Yeah, but it's only cool when I do it. Now fuck off!"
Adam starts his car back up and starts driving away as I, like a jackass, jump on top of his car as he's driving away, but it isn't until about 20 minutes later when he finally notices me.
"Why the fuck are you still here?"
"Oh, NOW you notice?"
"Get out!"
"Get out now or I'm calling the cops!"
"Wait! Don't do that!"
"Then this is your last chance to leave!"
"What did I even do wrong?"
"What do you mean what did you do wrong? First you chase me like a jackass and now you're sitting on top of my car! Do you want me to throw you off and run you over? Because I will!"
"Do it, faggot!"
"You know what?" Adam loses it as he pulls out his phone and calls the cops.
"911. What's your emergency?"
"This little ass kid, like 8 or 9 has been chasing me around and now she's sitting on top of my car."
"Like 8 or 9? You mean 16?"
"Okay, what location are you at?" The operator asked.
"None of your business!" I responded.
"Okay then, we'll just track your ass down and lock you up in a cell for the rest of your life! How's that?"
"YES PLEASE!" Adam yelled.
"Shut up Adam you ugly ass goth girl!" I said.
"Adam? Wait a minute. I think I know you guys." The operator said.
"That's great. Can you come take this bitch out of my sight now please?" Adam asked.
"Keep up the attitude and we'll arrest you too!"
"Whatever man."
Adam hangs up, but then soon, a cop finally arrives.
"Get in the car!" The cop yelled.
"Make me!" I yelled back as the cop grabs me and aggressively forces me into the car.
"Where are we even going?"
"You'll see."
After a while, I realize that the cop is taking me back to the school.
"First of all, how the fuck did you know I go to school here?! And second, I'm suspended!
"Jee, I wonder why. Get out of my car!"
"Fine you asshole!" I said as I got out of the car and walked home.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2019 ⏰

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