Editing The Newsletter

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Later, I come up with an idea to edit one of the monthly newsletter that the principal sends out to students to take home, so I did, but then soon, the speaker comes on.
"(Teacher's name)?" Some other bitch face teacher called.
"Can you send (My name) down to my office?"
"Perfect. Thank you!" Mrs Bitch Face exclaims as the speaker shuts off.
"Come (My name)!" Teacher demanded as she dragged me down to Mrs Bitch Face's office.
"So (My name), do you know why you're here today?"
"No Mrs Bitch Face, I do not know why I'm here."
"Because you went on the computers and edited the newsletter."
"What are you talking about?"
"You know exactly what I'm talking about!"
"No, I actually don't."
"Oh, you don't, huh?" Mrs Bitch Face asked as she pulls out the edited newsletter and shows it to me.
"Look, I don't know what this is or who wrote it. I mean, don't get me wrong, whoever did is a hero, but it wasn't me."
"You do know we have cameras all over the school, right?"
"Alright fine. It was me." I sighed. "But can you at least let me get rid of it?"
"You've had chance after chance to redeem yourself, and I already booked a meeting with your mother on Saturday to discuss this!" Mrs Bitch Face said. "And speaking of your mother, she wanted me to let you know that your grounding is now 3 months."
"Wow! Why does that not surprise me?"
"I also had a talk with your teacher, (Principal's name) and (Secretary's name) as well and you will be suspended for 2 weeks."
"Good! I don't even want to be here!" I said as I left.

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