Chapter 5:work, work, work ( part 3)

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I can  tell you that there's nothing extraordinary about today's events, besides, everybody has had a game night before, so I didn't record it ,nor did I record  Saturday or Sunday's events in my diary. I mean, everybody has a Saturday routine, but for your sake, I will briefly describe it.

On Saturdays, I wake up to the music of the birds ,usually at about 9:00 am and nothing can be compared to that.
At about 10:00 am, I  go and hangout with Arla and friends, we play games, watch movies at cinemas etc.
I guess you have got an idea of how I spend my Saturdays. You might be asking about homework, but that's all done on Friday.

DIARY OF A NERD; SUMMER HOLIDAYS Where stories live. Discover now