Chapter8:Travelling (part 2)

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"Okay people we're going to take a taxi from Province to Paris , and from there, we'll stay at our new home", said mum.

"Race you to the station, last one's the rotten egg",I said.
I'm first, Matilda's second, Arla's third...",I said ,  "So where's the cab?".

"Right there",said mum.
"Okay, let's go ",I said.

In the cab.
"Bonjour monsieur ",we all said .
"Bonjour ",replied the driver.
"Nous allows let tour eiffle ",I said.

"Qui , qui ",he replied.

The journey from Province to Paris was like really long ,I almost fell asleep, until he was like

"Nous sommes arrive à notre destination".
And the information was like "finally ".
Paris  was more beautiful than I  imagined. The streets We're filled with people and music and dance and art in general. It was amazing, it was as if the people there were expecting us. It was even better than our visit to Dubai ,  except almost everyone spoke French.
I was so excited that I even took selfies with total strangers, whilst my sister was exploring the area, before we finally went to our residence.

DIARY OF A NERD; SUMMER HOLIDAYS Where stories live. Discover now